Etsy + Valentine's Giveaway!

Any day that celebrates love is a good day and today we're excited to be partnering with Etsy and their “Say I Love You With Etsy” campaign! Valentine’s Day is the perfect holiday to gift that special someone a unique item that shows just how much you love them and Etsy is offering a $50 gift certificate to one of our readers to help! I've curated a selection of love-themed gifts on one of my Etsy Pages. Check a few out below (hover over each image to get info) and get the instructions on how to enter the giveaway at the bottom of this post.

*UPDATE*  Thanks to the whopping response everyone!  The winner of the Etsy gift certificate is 
Katherine Bennett of Meld blog who said...
A treehouse in the back yard. How romantic would that be? <3

Congrats Katherine, a treehouse would be pretty romantic! Please shoot us an email so we can send you the Gift Card code!  This contest is now closed.

To enter, leave a comment at this post answering this question, "If you could make one thing for someone special in your life, what would it be?" We will choose a winner at random this Friday, February 7th/14. Good luck!

Also, to see more at our Etsy Pages here or click on the set below.

curated by Poppytalk on Etsy

Jan Halvarson


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Ingegnere Sentimentale said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
andriana said...

I'd make a delicious cheesecake with heart shaped cake-tops!

marisa said...

I'm make a truly decadent chocolate cake!

Sara Torregrosa said...

I'd make a photobook with our special moments

Emma said...

I'd make a time machine so it would feel like my husband and I were always together!

Sara said...

I would knit a sweater! I want my loved one to be warm and cozy everyday :)

Anie, kale said...

Carrot cake for my loved one.

Anna said...

I'm currently growing our baby for him right now, does that count? She'll be here in June :)

shanley said...

Heart-shaped ravioli!

kjramstack said...

My husband loves meatloaf but I can't stand it. Maybe I'll take one for the team and make him a meatloaf this Valentine's day.

Catherine said...

I would make a photo album for my husband.

Marta G. (A Bilingual Baby) said...

Paella for my husband. I'm a very bad cook, but it's the thought that counts, right? :)

Andrea said...

Flourless chocolate cake for my husband, because it's made for sharing!!!

Sarah Smith said...

I would make him dinner and a special Valentine's day dessert!

Stephanie said...

I should make valentines for my Mom and Nanny, they love getting mail and there's still time to mail them.

Chrissy said...

I'd do all the chores for an entire month!

Unknown said...

If I could make one thing for someone special in my life it would be a Valentine for my 88 year old Daddy. It would hold all the love and appreciation I have for him.

Bethany Wellman said...

If I could do one thing for someone else this Valentines Day, it would be to give my sister in Ohio a plane ticket to see her boyfriend in Nebraska.

Unknown said...

I'd love to build our dream house one day for my husband. We just recently "found" our style and I'd love to create that [or fix up an older modern home] for him.

ro-grammie said...

I would give my single mom to an active toddler daughter a weekend at the beach toddler free! (which means I would have the little guy and get no sleep but have lots of fun...)

I loved the neon hearts!

Unknown said...

I would love to make a quilt for my daughter when she leaves for college next year!

Linda said...

I would give a message of encouragement to my son an ex-police officer suffering from PTSD silver materials to continue designing his men’s jewelry line and get it up on ETSY.

Anonymous said...

I would &/am currently cleaning out my husbands wood shop and organizing it for him for his wood turning and instrument building hobbies.

Katie Hayes said...

I'm a total "give the gift of food" type of person, but my boyfriend has really gotten into woodworking, and I am smitten. If I had the patience and commitment to take on a project like that, I totally would give someone a beautiful hand-made table or bench.

Ingegnere Sentimentale said...

I'd book a weekend in London and greet him with ready to go luggage. Sooner or later I'll do that!

Anonymous said...

I would make a day of peacefulness...and a teleported so he could visit our daughters on both coasts.

Chelsea said...

I would hang that "Love Always" banner up year-round! Lovely!

margo said...

a pair of socks: a hug for the feet, a favourite of my someone special.

Anonymous said...

I'd make pretty and delicious heart sandwich cookies with raspberry filling and a piped frosting. yum!

Meka Foo said...

I love to give and to get hand-made cards -- they are so much more special and heart felt than store bought!

Alex Crockett said...

I would make paper crane garlands out of colorful paper to hang from the ceiling and surprise them with!

diorinspired said...

I would make a rich chocolate heart shaped cake with chocolate ganache of course!

chelsea said...

A super cute and cozy jacket so whenever my sister gets bullied at school she always feels like someone is hugging her.

jacque said...

I'd like to make homemade, heart-shaped cream filled chocolate cupcakes for my wonderful husband who is working so very hard for our future.

Stephanie said...

A time machine! I've known my man for 6 years, but we only started dating 6 months ago. I think we both regret not getting together sooner.

Unknown said...

Something gooey and chocolaty like a molten chocolate cake.

Binki said...

I love making things for the people in my life. Right now I would love to be able to start to make my husband a funny IT Crowd cross stitch to craft up his geek lair.

ani_bbbc said...

If I could make/sew a great bag for my boyfriend's lap top and editing gear, I would!

janeray1940 said...

I'd make sweet music for a sweet musician :)

Nicole said...

I would & will make my new husband his favorite peanut butter cookies

Jensdreamdecor said...

I've been with my sweetie for 35 years and we will probably just have a lovely walk on the beach as we do nearly every weekend, maybe we'll do lunch too!

emmamoo12 said...

How about some homemade starbursts? My boy's favourite!

ohyenner said...

I'd make felt heart cut outs and randomly sew them inside of sweaters because I suspect that would be a cute thing to come across!

Katherine H. said...

A treehouse in the back yard. How romantic would that be? <3

Amber said...

I plan to make a fancy little diorama type Valentine's card for my husband. I love paper and I love him. It's a win/win. :)

Unknown said...

I would make my husband a caramel apple pie. It's his favourite!

Anonymous said...

I would make him the happiest life imaginable! Filled with Love and Joy and Excitement!

Unknown said...

Decorate a tree... preferably a willow. Put up lights and hang pictures of our entire relationship the beggining, the wedding, the kids... everything ... And cook him his favorite meal, lay down a blanket, & just spend time together, talk... no kids just us... then of course we go home and cuddle the little monsters!!♥

Unknown said...

I did one year, i took a bag of kiss chocolates and unwrapped every one of them. Then i look out the little piece of paper that sticks out and replaced it with phrases and coupons on how my husband ment to me. Then i put it in a jar which i decorated.

Unknown said...

A super-strong immune system for my mom! If only I was a mad and genius scientist...

Beth said...

I make handmade valentines every year for my family. I'll be making those but might throw in some homemade candy as well. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful shops. Love etsy!

Merry Quite Contrary said...

I would make a great outfit for my daughter.

Unknown said...

I'd make a beautiful flower arrangement and surprise my mom!

mgm92 said...

I would "make" a poem about our life together, write it on beautiful paper and frame it.

mgm92 said...

I would "make" a poem about our life together, write it on beautiful paper and frame it.

mgm92 said...

I would "make" a poem about our life together, write it on beautiful paper and frame it.

Kelly Hassert said...

I would make his favorite meal, after all, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, right? ;)

Kat said...

Homemade, potato stamp printed valentines with my daughter for all our friends.

ElisabethSpace said...

I'd like to make an etching for my mother using some of the handwriting from letters her father wrote to her mother during WWII.

Unknown said...

I would make a cozy retro style knitted blanket with a heart on it, for my husband and baby to cuddle up under.

amanda dawn said...

as always, i would love to make a quilt. for my mom :)

alison said...

I would make all the time in the world for him.

alison said...

I would make all the time in the world for him.

Victoria said...

A flourless chocolate cake!

Christine said...

I'd make a lovely dinner for my husband (cause I don't do that very often) and have a child-free Valentine's dinner. He would love it!

Unknown said...

a "good" chocolate cake!

MistressMarci said...

I'd make heart-shaped decorated cookies! :-)

Unknown said...

I would make him smile.

Courtney Moore said...

I'd make my husband an incredible lemon cream pie better than his mothers!

Jen said...

I'd create a job for my best friend - she's so funny and creative and needs somewhere she can shine. And then maybe I'd make her a business card too.

Unknown said...

I plan to make my sweeties favorite treat - brownies!

Unknown said...

I'd make a collection of little things to tell him I love him and then hide them in unexpected places for him to discover <3

nannydino said...

I would love to make a family tree using fabric leaves with photos transferred onto the fabric for my 4 children...

Unknown said...

I would make my man some heart shaped CHEESE CURDS and of course my own homemade card to make him blush! Love, your crafty Wisconsin gal

Heather K. said...

I would love to make a scrapbook for my hubs and daughter of our little Frenchy and all of his crazy moments (he recently passed). I know we would all cherish it because we miss him so, but I think it might be too soon for us all. I have been racking my brain to think of something special to do for them both to give more meaning to the day. Thanks so much!

Valerie said...

I'm making my sweetie chocolate chip cookies! :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know how to do this, but if I could I would make my daughter, who is away at college, a stamped heart pendant so she can wear my love close to her heart.

Cally said...

Money no object? I'd make him a little house in the sun. The winter weather and the work on this old place are getting to us both :)

Deborahk said...

I would make him whatever his heart desired......I like the thought of a time machine...going back but knowing what we know now!

Debra Norton said...

i'd make valentine's cookies with my kids to share together

Unknown said...

I'd love to make my babe a heart light fixture like the one on this blog! xx

sammy said...

I would give my time - sharing time with loved ones and experiencing things together is the best!

holly said...

We'll make homemade pasta together as a family and then I'll do a valentine craft at school for my daughter's class. That should be a nice way to share the L O V E.

Kristi A said...

I would make a dinner date for my best friend and I. She needs a little love this month.

katie walker said...

i'd love to make a print for our house that shows all the places we've traveled together :)


Nidhi said...

I would write a lovely long note filled with lovely words... on some artistic gorgeous pages!

Emily said...

I would/will make my fiancé his dream date filled with all of his favorite home-made foods, a give made from the heart and a fun outing made up of all of the things he loves most... music, a good beer, and some fun!

Anonymous said...

I'd find a way to help my non verbal daughter speak so I could hear her say, "I love you."

Unknown said...

For my family, the ones who love me despite myself, I would make a house to pass down to our future generations

Unknown said...

I would make a unicorn so she could see that magic does exist.

Jocelyn said...

I would create a handmade card for him, that lists all of the wonderful little things that I love about him.

Erin said...

A sign for the mirror that reads "you are beautiful!"

Stephanie said...

I would like to make a special dinner with three courses (including cheesecake for dessert).

התפרנית said...

I'd make my niece a pile of super cool T-shirts. :) She wants shirts only she would have!

Amy said...

Hmmm... I'd go with cupcakes. For everyone. Lots and lots of them. ^_^

LanaBetty said...

As I do every valentines day, I am going to write my love a haiku.

I have been saving the haiku's I write for him every year; one day I would like to make it into a book, full of my post-it note and napkin scribbled professions of my love. I will give it to him for us to share for years and years. *le sigh* *in love*

Unknown said...

Since my fiance and I have been dating I write down all the major events good, bad, and amazing that we have together in a leather journal along with ticket stubs, and little momentos of our outing together.

התפרנית said...

I'd make my niece a pile of super cool T-shirts. :) She wants shirts only she would have!

twhite said...

I would have a baby for my husband.

Unknown said...

I would make a care package for my sister overseas :)

Charmayne Ferrier Brown said...

If I could make absolutely anything, I would make a perfectly healthy heart for my otherwise perfect daughter. She is 7 and is amazing. She loves to craft as much as me and I am sure one day she will have her own etsy shop too!

Unknown said...

The bed :)

Unknown said...

The bed :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I would finish the hat that I started for a coworker!!! :)

Unknown said...

A baby!

Unknown said...

adorable cupcakes from scratch that ACTUALLY taste good!!

flourish said...

I would make a large abstract painting for the boy I love!

ElizabethBee said...

Purple afghan!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


counterculturalbabe said...

I would make my husband a well-stocked pond to fish from in our backyard so that he would be able to fish daily and would landscape around it to have a romantic spot to sit in the evenings.

Rachel said...

I'd bake a cake for my boyfriend! He's not big on gift giving but he's always been a fan of my baking. :)

Anonymous said...

I'll be making valentines for my two sons -- doilies, glitter, the works. I'm teaching them about making an effort and being thoughtful so they will grow into wonderful men.

Svetlana said...

I would cook a nice dinner and set the table with candles, flowers, and a homemade cake!

Rae said...

I would always make the most beautiful princess dress up dress for my four-year-old daughter who was the most wonderful imagination of anyone or known! ❤️

justmanette said...

I'd love to make my husband a handsome pea coat!

Unknown said...

I would make red (beet) and white heart ravioli for dinner. Make a valentine ~ using various fonts to spell his name out~ to make it look like a heart.
Frame it for a special piece forever.

Andrea said...

I would make a lil mini scrapbook for my partner with mementos of everything we've done together, and then upload them to a password protected blog and leave clues around the house about what the password is

PaigeAlex said...

I'd make them the best meal they've ever eaten! <3

kate d said...

I would create a scrapbook filled with little things of our life the scrapbook would be totally handmade.

Laura Marturano said...

I'd make a memory book for my sister, Dana. I 'd love to catalogue all the times we spent together, stories, and shared moments that are not recorded anywhere but in out memories. I'm moving across country at the end of the month and will deeply miss her and being able to spend time with her!

Unknown said...

I'd make a black forest cake like his favorite that he ate in Germany decades ago.

Miss Moos said...

A lot of paper hearts leaving everywhere in the house for my loved ones xxx

Miss Moos said...

A lot of paper hearts leaving everywhere in the house for my loved ones xxx

Erin Brouillette said...

I would make a beautiful neon light sign for my husband's new business. He has put so much effort into it and this would be a great way to see the name and his success daily.

SS said...

I'd like to make my toddler a small backpack of her own. She loves carrying my bags around the house.

Hunnybzz said...

I'd take my mom to a vacation in a far away country. She always gave up to her wishes and saved money for giving me all I wished for.

CAR said...

I'd make my domestic partner a delicious chocolate chip mint ice cream cake!!

Unknown said...

I would give him a handmade card in my handwriting,
Which is surrounded by laminate, that I make every year.
Also, his favorite, carrot cake
With cream cheese frosting that is dyed red!!

Three Owls said...

I would make them understand that love is an endless fall...there is no bottom to is forever falling deeper and deeper!

Anonymous said...

I'm planning the decorations for my best friends wedding coming up. I'd love to make her a photo booth backdrop as a surprise!

Unknown said...

I would make a fuzzy soft throw so that when I am not around, my special someone can still be embraced by me.

Michele said...

I'd make a quilt in rich colors.

Daniella said...

I make a teddy bear if I could!

cordeliajane said...

I'd make my husband a photo book with the pictures from our December wedding :)

Unknown said...

If it were possible I would make him peace of mind. So one can take the time to appreciate ones blessing and forget about the rest!

Anonymous said...

I'd make a custom case for my husband's amp! He's always talking about how he wishes he had a vintage looking, functional case for when he's on tour. Thoughtful gifts are the best!

Briareball said...

I would make my mom a home video of all of the memories we've had!

familytribe said...

I would make my granddaughter a cheery and fun dollhouse, with pretty furniture. :)

AshK said...

I would like to learn more about woodworking so that I could make my dogs a kickass dog house! Someday soon...

Michele T said...

I would make my love a quilt and it would be big enough... hmmm... maybe a little smaller so that we could snuggle and cuddle closely together underneath!!

Laurie & Clint said...

I'd love to make a little handmade dress for my baby girl. I wish I had time to do it!

Murray said...

I would make a decorative box filled with notes of all the reasons I love them!

Eva said...

The biggest gift for my darling would be a second baby... And for this time a girl. ;) But this has to wait another year or two.
This year a vantines-cake will be also good! :)

Unknown said...

I would make my dad & mom a scrapbook to celebrate all the fun memories that we have shared so far with space to add more!

Wildlass said...

I’d bake a little mini-us… a sweetie pie baby, a joyful bundled dumpling, a beautiful blend of the two of us. In fact, I think I will.

chirpypig said...

I would make him a needle felted bird!

Megan said...

I would make a collage documenting our life together.

Jessica Stuart said...

I would help my friend make an elaborate fort for her 2 year old and then make her tea and cookies so she could relax for a few minutes :)

Melisa said...

I would love to make more time for us to spend together. Or some really good banana bread.

Anonymous said...

I want to make an iPad sleeve for my wife!

Britta said...

I couldn't limit it to just one thing since there are several people in my life that I love. Dinner? So everyone can partake and know that they're loved.

Alyssa said...

I'd make more time for my husband and I to spend together without the kids. And I'd make a batch of cookies to eat with him.

Reshma at said...

I'm having a play date with my daughter's bestir and we plan to make a gluten free heart shaped chocolate cake and make some crafts together!

Jill said...

I would love to create some art for my man, probably involving the love of his life - his dog. Luckily he's always been a fan of handmade gifts!

danielletocker said...

A skating rink for my guy!

kayajoy said...

Assuming I had magical powers, I would make a heated beach in our back yard for my loved one who dreams of being a fish. No magical powers, I will make a Caribbean meal, ending with a decadent coconuty dessert.

kayajoy said...

Assuming I had magical powers, I would make a heated beach in our back yard for my loved one who dreams of being a fish. No magical powers, I will make a Caribbean meal, ending with a decadent coconuty dessert.

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

I'd make him a customized travel tour of all the places in the world he's hoped to travel to!

reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com

Lindsay said...

My love would love a second garage (not for cars - just for working on projects!) It would be fun to transform his work area one day!

km said...

I would plan a romantic and special date night for the hubs. Maybe fondue, wine and chocolate for dessert.

Abby said...

I've made my husband many things over the years- this year if I had some free time, I'd make a baby doll for my baby. She's starting to get interested in dolls and I'd love to make her her own.

Unknown said...

I'd make a personalized greeting card. With a message so cute and catchy that only he'd understand. :)

Nikki said...

My sister is leaving for basic training a couple months and I would make her a blanket to take with her!

Kirsten Elaine Nielsen said...

I would design a pop-up book including every member of the family as a character and do painted illustrations.

Unknown said...

I'd make her a handmade duffel to put all her rugby gear in! And probably stitch a bunch of hearts on it to embarrass her in front of her teammates ;)

Unknown said...

If we can go all out and imaginative here, I would make a life-size fairy garden for my niece! :)

Love these selections you picked, now I'm motivated to start sending out my own Valentines.

Unknown said...

A lovely chocolate cake!

Unknown said...

A lovely chocolate cake!

Unknown said...

I would draw a comic with him as the superhero, because he is my hero and I would want him to know that.

echampagne said...

I would give my husband two choices - homemade gourmet donuts or I would redesign his office. I bet he would choose the donuts!

echampagne said...

I would give my husband two choices - homemade gourmet donuts or I would redesign his office. I bet he would choose the donuts!

Unknown said...

I'd spring a surprise on my lover, prepare a suitcase and take him to an unknown destination for the week end ;)

Lucia Fischer said...

I would make a box of treasures filled with sentimental trinkets from all the special times we have shared together :)

sweetearth said...

A day full of indulgences.

Elizabeth said...

I would embroider some handkerchiefs with hearts-- but not in a chintzy way, something modern and clean that looks good from the wrong side as well as the right side-- because his nice handkerchiefs are starting to show their age, and I know how much he needs handkerchiefs in the spring!

Unknown said...

I would make Peppa Pig shirts and stuffed animals for my kiddos who are obsessed with that show.

Unknown said...

I would make a canvas with photo transfer of my sweet son and his wife and send to them
In AK for Valentine's Day.

Unknown said...

My bald sweetie loves hand knit caps during the winter, but I still haven't learned how to knit. I would love to make a heartfelt one just for him.

Angel said...

I would make a quilt for my grandma with pictures of her children and grandchildren on it. It would mean the world to her.

Stephanie said...

I would make a quilt for my best friend:)

Stephanie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ashleyy said...

I would make a delicious meal and some awesome wood craft.

Anonymous said...

I'd make him covers for his golf clubs - we have a running joke that he loves them more than me (it isn't true!!)

Rubycat said...

I still need to make a "Nana blanket" for my youngest grandchild. Bad grandmother!

Unknown said...

I would crochet an afghan so that my loved one would be warm and cozy and know how much I loved them!

Unknown said...

hand stamped silver cufflinks with our initials

christiane said...

I did it already: I gave him my heart <3

girlfromthe_N.Country said...

I would make meringue hearts for my mom, she loves them.

Sara Mcconville said...

Make a collage of pictures for the family

Samdlm at yahoo dot com

Cindy said...

If money were no object... I would "make" the monthly payment on a brand new 2014 Nissan GT-R for my mister. I would throw in a made from scratch celebratory cake, too. ;)


tara said...

I would make my husband and daughters a chicken pie and a fruit tart from scratch.

Quatro na Bossa said...

I would make a huge dinner (and all the decorations!) for the hard-working musicians I know who always get to work at fancy parties and never attend them!

Unknown said...

I would make him a cozy pair of wool socks.

Mila said...

Chocolate dipped homemade marshmallow - pops!

Mila said...

Chocolate dipped homemade marshmallow - pops!

Mackenzie said...

I'd make my boyfriend all the food he could ever want!

Unknown said...

I'd make homemade peanut butter blossom cookies and use them for ice cream sandwiches for my peanut butter and vanilla ice cream-loving hubby (which is what I plan to do next week)!

Anonymous said...

A personal collage of some of favorite mementos and memories and frame i and hang itt for him too :)

Laura S said...

I'd make my mom a wedding dress since she didn't have one when she married my dad.

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