Household Tip No. 1

Such a clever little household tip that doesn't need any explanation. Cutting the corn off of cobs is a very slippery scary slope at the best of times. Via Pinterest  (No photo credit provided from source).

Jan Halvarson


Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

What an awesome tip!! I love it and how handy this will be when corn starts coming in!!

Sophie Delphis said...

Nice idea!

nicole said...


Lindsey CJ said...

i love it!

Anonymous said...

Actually, there is a method in the Joy of Cooking that makes it pretty easy. I think this would actually be more dangerous because the cob isn't stable in that hole. But I guess no real cooks are reading this anyway, so of course some people would think this works...what am I going on about?

Carly Anne said...

Genius. I am actually preparing to freeze a ton of sweet corn at the end of next month for the fall and winter; I'm definitely going to try this!

Jan Halvarson said...

anon - you're too funny!

Mette said...

First I thought that this was a tool, that americans cannot live without. But read the tips, and now I am using this method in Denmark :) Great idea!