First off, is this not the most beautiful chair ever? This stunning recliner (called SKYE) is a real IKEA vintage classic , designed by Tord Björklund in the 80s. The beautiful patina dark brown leather is to die for and is being given away on Ikea's Instagram account (@ikeasvierge) this week! I can't believe we're even telling you, because it lessens our chances, but gee, it's just too beautiful not to share!
Learn more about how to participate in the competition #vinnvintage by clicking HERE. Photographer: Ragnar Ómarsson.
I do remember the Skye lounger we had one, only it was fabric, black and a contrasting fabric made up of white, grey and black. We sold it in a yard sale, guess we should have held onto that. By the looks of it the frame was identical.
Cool story Lilbitbrit! And I feel that way about alot of things I've sold at yard sales!
Late to the party, I know, but...
I still have my SKYE with the buffalo-leather seat cover. Used it for years as my main lounge chair, now it sits in my home office. Sadly, it's been rather brutalised by time - one of our cats chewed a corner of the seat, and it's had things spilled on it over the years - but having seen this I'm seriously thinking about having a new seat pad made for it. It really is a lovely piece of furniture and so comfortable!
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