The Art of the Display | Provide Home

Loving this faux tree lot display behind the counter at Provide Home (a beautifully curated home decor store here in Vancouver). I visited the store last night where both Robert Quinnel and partner David Keeler have such a talent for making a store look amazing. So many luxurious and organic pieces, beautifully displayed, and ready for the holiday season.  Robert and David travel often shopping for the beautiful at world renown design shows and their collection is incomparable —I love seeing pieces from Australia's Pony Rider or San Francisco's Heath Ceramics. Here's a few favorites from their store (which you can even order online via their toll free line or email).

Soft and luxurious Coyuchi Throws

Accessories by Loyal Loot

Hand knit Cushions by Tabula Rasa (formerly of Rag and Bone)

Cire Trudon Candles
Doug Johnston
MTH Woodworks

Martha Sturdy

Provide Home is a definite must-see if you're in the Vancouver downtown area! Which reminds me; it's Small Business Saturday this weekend, a great excuse to visit your favorite small businesses!

Jan Halvarson

1 comment:

Vintage Home said...

Always such an education here! Thanks for informing, and I love your choices....especially those bowls!