To celebrate Earth Day's 40th Anniversary today and our "Green Pop" eco-themed market at Poppytalk Handmade this month, we are excited to be offering a giveaway starting tonight here on the blog!
We're offering up a $150 gift certificate at Poppytalk Handmade (from something in the current Green Pop Market) to the lucky winner who comments in this post's comments box (and offers a tip on being good to the Earth and visits our market telling us their favourite piece). One entry per person, and a bonus entry if you tweet about this giveaway (adding @poppytalk to the tweet along with a link to the tweet in the comments).
The $150 gift certificate must be used before the end of our current market, May 7th, 2010. Choose one thing, or many as long as it adds up to $150 (total). You can leave a comment at this post anytime from now until next Wednesday (April 28/10) at 12pm noon. We will pick a winner and announce Thursday (April 29th)! Good luck and thanks for visiting our artists at our eco-themed market.
1 – 200 of 295 Newer› Newest»Emilie Friday's calligraphy kit is absolutely stunning! One tip for Earth Day is to turn off the tap while brushing, you can save a lot of water just by doing that :)
Ooh, I love the messenger bags by Stash!
Tip: Use a dry erase marker on your leftover containers so that you know how old everything is and can eat your leftovers before sending them to the landfill. Also, take your tupperware containers with your when you go out to eat so you don't have to get a throwaway container from the restaurant.
I love brin and nohl's coffee sack baskets - they'd be great for storing yarn! A tip for Earth Day is to make reusable baggies from oil cloth. I get compliments on mine every day!
Be kind to the earth by eating less processed foods. Not only will you have less trash to go into landfills, your body will be healthier. Jill Bent's Vintage Striped tote bag is SO cute & the "Call Your Mother" pillow by Alexandra Ferguson is a must! Thanks.
What a lovely giveaway!
I'm in love with the Wedge tote - Cedar by scrappy robot
I heard this tip on NPR the other day: Close a dollar bill in your frig door. If you can slide it out you need to install a new seal. It'll help you cut down your energy use.
hi hi hi. my favorite thing to do to help the environment is to TEACH KIDS ABOUT IT! children are our future and our children and students need all the idea they can get from an early age to do right to our world!
i LOOOOVE your "Be Happy" charm bracelet. it really is the most perfect and simple phrase.
The thing I have become most diligent about is pulling unused electric cords when not in use - hairdryer, electric toothbrush, curling iron, cell phone chargers, radios, coffee makers, DVD players... the list goes on. Nationally, Phantom Loads use about 6% of our energyconsumption. That is an incredible amount of electricity- so pull the plug!
Thank you Eco Marketers for making reuse beautiful.
I adore so many things in the Market, but I have been eyeing the Kove fairview wrap for a little while.
One of the several ways I try to be kinder to the earth is by supporting smaller, local businesses and my local farmers market. It saves money on gas so many ways.
I love everything, but am eyeing those bags from scabby robot!
my tip? not to buy any more plastic bottles of anything.
Jessica Louin
I really love the daily postings
Tip: Try and remove yourself from junk mail list and put a "no flyer" sign on your mail box.
I love "Mother's Necklace!" from the Figs and Ginger shop!
My tip - spend time in nature/surrounded by natural things. Go to the park, go camping (but remember leave nothing behind!)...go swimming in the ocean if you can. I think often people are disconnected from natural spaces living in cities (those that do).
I love the Wedge tote - Anemone by scabby robot!
I have become most diligent this year about not using water in plastic bottles. I carry a foodgrade stainless steel water bottle with me every where and reuse it over and over. And carrying my own shopping bags with me instead of using plastic ones.
I'm in love with Stash bags ! Really beautiful plaid and wool. Specialy this black one : http://www.poppytalkhandmade.com/node/6643
and the pink : http://www.poppytalkhandmade.com/node/6646
I don't trow clothes away : I give them to friends, I keep beautiful fabric for sewing or I reuse them for cleaning (after taking off the buttons, zippers, lace, bows, ribbon. I embellish my gift wrap with them).
Thanks for the giveaway and the great discovery I'm doing here !
My favorite thing from the Green Pop Market is the Sweet Hibou Musical Pendant from Clockwork Fantastica.
My tip is to buy a lunchbox and use tupperware instead of using disposable lunch bags and ziplock baggies.
SO hard to choose a favorite. Love Green Thread's Bunny Pillows and the Plinth Coat Hooks by Half Pint Salvage. I also have been a fan of monkey & squirrel's wonderful shop for many months.
We use the burlap bags that our rice comes in as tote bags/grocery bags.
My oldest daughter is part of a group that collects toner/printer cartridges from local businesses and schools. They turn them in to be reused. The group earns money and that's even less in our landfills!
I also reuse mailers/packing materials when I send out our Etsy orders. No matter how small it may seem, every little bit helps.
(LOVE that tip of bringing a tupperware container to a restaurant for your leftovers - I hate those foam containers.)
Let grass clippings stay on the lawn, instead of bagging them up and throwing them away. The cut grass will decompose and return to the soil naturally. Great theme you guys!
SO hard to choose just one item it totally is.
I've been eyeing the little music box pendants in Clockwork Fantastica's shop for a while. I love the red mermaid one.
I agree with everybody! It's super hard to choose just one item, but I think I am going to have to pick...the Bella Headband from Nest Pretty Things.
As for being green -- a really fun DIY project is to make a chandelier using plastic water bottle bottoms, string and wire. I have also had a friend used colored soda bottle caps and a large bucket to make a lamp shade!
Oh, my goodness... what a lovely giveaway. Earth Day is also our wedding anniversary. We think it is a very special day.
I love the banners from Bliss In A Teacup.
Tip: Well, we quit drinking soda this year. So, I say QUIT DRINKING SODA. It's hard but oh, so worth it.
hugs hugs and more hugs,
Fritzi Marie
What a fun giveaway! Happy Earth Day, Poppytalk!
I'm adoring Chase Dream's moustache crayons and anything from Bliss in a Teacup!
A tip for loving Mother Earth? Lead by example; it's so rewarding to have friends, family and strangers show curiousity about why you eat from the Farmer's market; why you ride your bike in the rain; and why you mix up crazy concotions to clean your house.
your shop is full of favorites, but i like half pint salvage's chalkboards very much.
my tip? i reuse everything i've got - scrap wood gets turned into paintings to sell at the farmer's market, the grass & moss i've pulled outta the yard when making a garden got recycled into a shallow box to make a living bathmat, and i make fruit and veggie chips with a dehydrator when things pass their ripeness peak.
thanks for the generosity!
My tip for Earth Day is compost! It returns all the beautiful nutrients in the food we don't get a chance to eat back to the soil and is an AWESOME fertilizer! (plus it cuts down on the amount of garbage you produce, which can save you $$!)
I LOVE the Brad and Donna original painting by Vivienne Strauss!
There are so many cute things! I am really digging the bag at scabby robot.
My tip:
In cooler months open your oven after you're done cooking in it (and its shut off). You've already used the energy to cook, now let it warm you up!
I tweeted about this giveaway:
I really love the coffee sack baskets by Brin and Nohl - all of them are beautiful and would be great to hold my yarn stash!
My eco tip? I use reusable containers when packing my lunch. Those plastic baggies really add up so I use glass containers or fabric pouches to replace them. Easy to do!
I would say one thing I have a habit of doing is turning old pillow cases into shoulder bags.
it gives new life to something old that is if you are sew savvy even though it is super easy. Also my sister in law takes old take out containers and such and rinses them out and uses them to mix her paint and such in. Such a good idea also reusing them for food is good to haha
my fav thing would have to be the stella romper by Shirin Handmade
I adore claudia pearson's food for thought. and what better way to love the earth then her image, whole foods, and keep them fresh and local, even better try your own garden. eliminate the packaging, the transportation, the factories, the chemicals.
i love the ampersand pillow by alexandra ferguson.
i have been having my husband use tupperware instead of plastic baggies. it works well until he forgets to bring them home with him!
I love the Mother's Necklace by Figs & Ginger.
We are starting a community garden at my daughter's elementary school. We will be starting a fairly large compost and recycled rain water system.
My eco tip - making slippers and other useful household items (like tea cozies) out of wool sweaters that I get a Good Will -I felt the sweaters, cut them up and start sewing. If you have a "Shoe Free House" having lots of slippers in different sizes for guests keeps their toes toasty and your home cleaner. . . and you always need to "Keep your Teapot hot."
There are so many wonderful items in your store. I'm especially fond of Alexandra Ferguson's humorous pillows - cozy and funny at the same time. What could be better?
Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
Earth tip: instead of windex, clean your windows and mirrors with a vinegar/water solution.
I love the stash clutches. So cute!
There is A LOT that I love. I think my favs are between "Brin and Nohl" baskets and the "monkey & Squirrel" bird wall hooks.
My tip - before you throw out that cardboard piece, that old magazine/newspaper, those old napkins of your mother-in-laws from the 70's..whatever...think about it. Can you re-purpose it somehow? I have used all sorts of old paper/cardboard/2x4's etc in my art...and I did use my mother-in-laws old napkins to make myself a little shoulder bag and also to wrap a gift uniquely. Use your imagination!!
Wow, what a generous giveaway with a delightful cause! Fantastic all around.
COUCOU SALUT's pillows- love them.
I am using washable cloths to clean rather than endless rolls of paper towels!
love the prints from jane heller most.
my earth day tip is to unplug appliances that you don't use frequently, and put your cable box on a power strip so that you can shut it off at night...it uses half as much energy off as it does on! :(
thanks for the great giveaway and raising earth day awareness!
I love Ottoman's shop! I have been an admirer of her delicate lichens and mosses for a while:) Those jars are VERY neat.
My green tip is to opt for a rich bar of cold-processed soap for all you personal cleaning: hand soap, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, shaving, etc. That's ONE bar and ZERO bottles! And trust me - those handmade soaps are better than any conditioner I've ever used!
Even better - buy them local: it's a win for you, for the environment and for a member of your community.
i could easily spend hundreds of dollars at poppytalk. i would probably start with the calligraphy kit and the fairview wrap and some love cloth pouches.
I'm loving the products - especially the clothing from spool + sparrow. I've got 2 little girls and those dresses...yay!
Let's see, Green Tip. Well, for a business (I'm a photographer), I have my client forms available for online signature and submission, to save paper. I try not to use marketing materials, but when I do I have them printed on recycled paper. For anyone wanting to convert their paper forms to online, check out http://www.appnitro.com/
Happy Earth Day! I absolutely love everything in the market (you have such impeccable taste) but in the spirit of the day, I'm picking the bento lunch bags from Urban Harmonie as my faves. My green tip is simply this: take your own lunch to work, pack it in reusable bags and bring your peels/scraps home to compost. Healthier, cheaper and easier on the environment by not buying something that comes in a disposable package.
Love the blog!!
I am eco-crafty... rarely stepping into craft supply stores, but rather, recycling clothing, old projects and bits and pieces into new funky finds.
I LOVE Alexandra's "Call Your Mother" pillow... love love love!
tweeted this most excellent giveaway:)
And just 'cause I wanna: Another eco tip: for using the minimum of water to do the dishes - use a large roasting pan as a second sink (for those who don't have a double kitchen sink). I fill it half way or less with hot soapy water with the dirty dishes. Rinse everything at once in the sink when everything's been scrubbed.
I love the canvas tote from jill bent! And I guess my advice would be to use reusable bags. :)
I want the Sleeping Bunny pillows! I think I will pretend I am buying them for my baby nephew but keep them for myself.
My tip is to make art on found or recycled paper! You can draw on endpapers of old books for an antique look.. or make collages for birthday presents, etc.
My tip is good to the earth...and fun! Buy recycled clothing! Whether you're re-working an old item, or buying a thrifted item...you'll be saving money, setting trends, and helping the environment!
And right now I'm really, REALLY into Kiki & Polly's art. Especially the paintings of the playgrounds...whimsical and oh-so-unique.
My green tip: Clean food boxes have so many uses once the food is gone! Use cereal boxes to make post cards, journal covers (that can then be filled with paper printed on one side), etc.
I love the eco friendly lap trays by world on lap. My lap would be much more comfortable right now if I had one of those :)
p.s. if you are interested in a quick tutorial for making postcards or journals, visit my blog http://www.kaotickrafter.blogspot.com
One of my green resolutions for the year is not to use the dryer at all. Instead I air dry all of my family's clothes. We have a whole bunch of hangers, so I hang the shirts off window frames and let them dry in the breeze. Even the toughest sweater gets dry over night, so that's one easy thing people can do to save on electricity (plus it doesn't create static).
My favorite thing - I love the Wonderful Tea teapot from Atelier Oker.
I absolutely love the (green) Laptop messenger bag by stash!
My favorite tip to be green is to recycle old magazines and packaging materials to use for kids craft projects (The place where I work has daily crafting opportunities for preschool aged children). While they work, I talk to them about how using recycled materials is good for the planet.
Not only am I reusing magazines, bottle caps, cardboard tubes, cash register receipt rolls,egg carton cups, etc.. I'm also teaching the kids about recycling!
So many ways to be good to the earth! I think one people tend to overlook is to buy products made from recycled materials.... we have to create a market for manufacturers to buy the stuff we're sending off to be recycled!
I've been in love with Figs and Ginger jewelry for a while - one of their fawn necklaces would be fabulous!
What an awesome giveaway and I just love all the recycled and creative goodies. We work hard to conserve water, electricty, to recycle and reuse everything we can! Happy Earth Day! Beth
I tweeted and Facebooked the giveaway! Beth
tweeted yoour giveaway!!! @ellicekim
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Mother's Necklace!!!
I try to be green by re-using old magazines and old supplies to make my pieces! ie. Instead of buy new colored paper and such to make my garlands, I cut out circles from the magazines I get in the mail!!!
I also use old clothes as the fabric of my pieces!
the scabby robot's wedge tote is classic and beautiful... perfect for the summer. My tip is to recycle the insides of security envelopes as paper embellishments for art journals, gift tags, or handwritten letters. All of the fun patterns are like little extra surprises in the mail- and free art supplies! :)
i love the vintage stripe tote from jill bent!
eco friendly tip is to do multiple loads of clothes in the washer and then put them all in the dryer for only one cycle!
jennifer young
Wow, amazing stuff and right at my heart.
For my mum I would choose illuminated perfum, but for this mum (me) I love sweetharvey
Thanks for organising the fantastic give away
Ally <'v'>
Love the ideas shared here today and the give-away opportunity- thank you!
I've just experienced how much a home energy audit can do to help owners and renters alike make easy fixes that save tons of energy and money.
Its a great way to get intimate with your living space and learn specific action items that will make all of your "green" activities count even more (check with your local Cooperative Extension or municipality to see if there are grant-funded, third-party, or non-profit audit options in your area.)
One thing learned from the audit: a $4 can of insulating spray foam and a few hours filling all of the holes around outlets and switches and in the attic can have a huge effect on energy usage all year long.
Now off to lust after the Inklore Design linen napkins, my favorite item d'jour in the market.
My favorite shops are Emilie Friday and Figs & Ginger...everything of theirs is just wonderful!!!
My tip: Teach your children when they are young to embrace and respect nature. You'll plant the seed of happy obligation for future generations. Lead by example. It shouldn't be just one thing, but be mindful in all that you do to conserve, recycle, consume less, etc. Every little bit counts. We teach our 3 year old daughter that we did not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, but we are borrowing it from our children. Be kind to your Mother (Earth)....
catherine s.
imaginethatdesign (at) yahoo (dot) com
In our family, the way we are good to our earth is through our garden, our bikes (instead of cars) and our support of our local farmers market. We are also avid DIY crafters and thriftstore/garage sale'ers!
My favorite things from the market are Katherine Lee's pillows!!! So perfect for our homes!
Thank you!
Well, this might not sound so exciting, but we make a big effort in trying to car pool with people. So everybody drives together from your town to another for work! It's so good everybody even saves $$$ while they are at it! :)
I also love the canvas tote from jill bent!
i really like the Music Box Pendants at Clockwork Fantastica. i grew up on a farm so i have been recycling and reusing most of my life. i garden, buy local/regional and recycle a lot. i am fortunate to live in a rather small town with a big-time recycling center. hillikayathotmaildotcom
As we have young kids, we try to keep the concept simple for them. Turn off all lights. Use less water. Recycle and reuse. The school has a great program where recycleables, including electronics every Friday. It's a win-win situation for all. The environment benefits, the school earns much needed money and the kids learn.
The items in the marketplace are to die for: Karen French, Emilie Friday and Brin&Nohl..come to me baby!!
I just love the scabby robot line of hobo purses! My contribution is to buy locally grown produce and products.
Loving all things Lisa Congdon.
I almost never throw anything away. I love to recycle my my old favorite tops and tshirts to make anything from a zipper pouches to travel-laundry bags.
I also have been carpooling to work everyday since the first of the year. Hooray for saving the planet and saving extra money at the same time.
Happy Earth Day All.
I love the Water Bottle W Wrap from prettynpreppy because it's eco-friendly and chic!
My green tip: As a college student, renting my textbooks saves money and trees! Always try to buy used and never throw away outdated editions! Save the pages for crafts - history books always have cool pictures.
Also, my tweet: http://twitter.com/vchen24
What a great giveaway! I've got my eye on the organic blankets by lalas pequenos with my little one due today!
I'm trying hard to teach my daughter to make and grow her own so that she will be less of a consumer. Everything tastes so much better and we're much more connected with our food.
I tweeted too! @petitemeg
I love the bunny posts from fig & ginger. So cute!
The repurposed key rack from half-pint salvage is great!
My eco-friendly tip is to carry your own water bottle and bring a tote bag for shopping.
I'm diggin' the shirin handmade jeans.
Hmm, for an earth-saving suggestion, I'd say living within walking or biking distance of where you work is a good one. For me, it's just down the hallway ;)
Also, growing your own strawberries rules!
love love everything!! so difficult to choose...
decided to confess my love in a poem!
figs & ginger wink in my eye,
silver glisten birds on a line,
"mother's necklace",
so divine,
"tiny bird ring"
sings in my mind.
o isphotography!
"twinkle" is the frame,
"a little flirt" also whispers my name...
how i help the earth:
take them brown, wrinkled trader joe bags,
whole food bags, sprouts bags
and turn them into wrapping books,
and surprises.
send them to dear friends.
me no spend money on envelopes,
me no spend some green, yup
but, alas,
i make More green. (hopefully)
thank you
love love everything!! so difficult to choose...
decided to confess my love in a poem!
figs & ginger wink in my eye,
silver glisten birds on a line,
"mother's necklace",
so divine,
"tiny bird ring"
sings in my mind.
o isphotography!
"twinkle" is the frame,
"a little flirt" also whispers my name...
how i help the earth:
take them brown, wrinkled trader joe bags,
whole food bags, sprouts bags
and turn them into wrapping books,
and surprises.
send them to dear friends.
me no spend money on envelopes,
me no spend some green, yup
but, alas,
i make More green. (hopefully)
thank you
Happy Earthday!
I've had my eye on the Stash messanger bags, and now have discovered all the knitted goodies in Kove's shop. Beautiful stuff!
A wonderful thing to do for the earth is to explore all the goodies in charity thrift shops. There are so many treasures waiting to be found/reused/repurposed, and you'd be supporting other good causes as well.
oh man there are so many AMAZING items to choose from! such talented artisans!! i really love the paris is a feeling print by isophotography - just gorgeous!
and i know this sounds obvious, but recycling is so important! there are so many things that can be recycled that people throw away on a daily basis. and use re-usable bags for grocery shopping and packed lunches!
My new favorite thing to do is to put a bucket in my shower while i wait for the water to warm up, then use the bucket to water my plants!
I'd love to use one of Jill Bent's beautiful totes to take to the grocery store! Another easy way to be green :)
Oo la la, those bath goodies from La Petite Vie look like what I need.
Buy organic produce from a local farmer is something you can do to support soil health and your local economy. Super green!
love the wedge tote in cedar;}
my son and i have been planting a tree on earth day today we planted a cherry tree;}
Thank you for the opprotunity!
I love the vintage strip tote by Jill Bent. It keeps catching my eye!
Maybe I just need it!
My tip: Use recycled packing material...almost everything I use to package my vintage items is taken from the "trash" of a local store.
My favourite item is the wedge tote from scabby robot.
My tip is to use misc. fax spam at work as note paper!
swagnerm [at] hotmail [dot] com
I also tweeted about it! Would love to win.
Be good to the Earth:
Reuse used paper before you recycle it. I am a teacher and am surrounded by mounds of paper that gets recycled; I always try to use it once if not twice more before I recycle it (ideas: packaging, recycled paper journals or notepads!)
I love Nest Pretty Things and definitely could spend 150 there!
My tip is to turn off all of your appliances when not in use.
My favorite item is the olid natural perfume pack includes five "different" all natural cream perfume minis from Illuminated Perfume
cloth bags for grocery shopping
really like the prettynpreppy water bottle because it looks like it's easy to clean.
oh wonderful giveaway!!!
one tip i have is while you are showering, turn the water off while you are shavivng, lathering your hair with shampoo and conditioner. it will save a lot of money!
one item i LOVE is the fiarview wrap! that would be perfect for chilly summer nights!!
turn off the shower while scrubbing!
no disposables!
rain water for plants!
line dry clothes!
support local economy!
keep the country country! ;) (defendoahucoalition.org)
i love this planet...
helloo there! my favorite thing to do with old paper bags is using them as giftwrap. i blogged about it here
oh, and i love to keep a rolled up reusable bag in my purse, for when surprise shopping happens. my most favorite from the shop is blackbird letterpress` grizzly bear hug. its soo awesome! happy earth day! hearts
My tip for being good to the earth is to frequent the farmers market. The farmers market is a wonderful way to meet great people, pick up organic produce and support local farmers all at the same time.
I love the work of Samantha French and especially her painting "Lake Waters," there is something so calming and inspiring about this painting and the woman swimming in it.
My 'earth day tip' and my Eco-friendly Market fav happen to align. I use down home amy's snack pouches in my/my kids' lunch every day instead of a ziplock bag or plastic wrap. I also try to hang my cloths on a clothing rack- even in winter I'll just put the rack by a heater vent and it saves on electricity!
TIP: Buy the 99 cent (I think) Better World Shopper app or the handy pocket size book fro $10. This book is so so helpful with knowledge on what brands are good based on their use of environmentally friendly ingredients using on an A - F grading scale. For example, Kettle products get an A+!
I make my own yogurt at home with local organic milk in reuseable glass jars to cut down on plastic waste - being good to the Earth never tasted so sweet :D
With so many lovely lovely things in the Shop it was difficult to name my favourites, but I would be most delighted to take the wedge tote in Cedar on an adventure, with a blue Recycle Bin Book tucked inside to write it all down, and three Grizzly Bear Hug cards to send back home to family and friends!
i try to never wrap presents in paper - unless it's recycled. i'll give the gift in a purse, basket, scarf, tea towel...anything that can be used again (and compliments the gift)
i love the bento boxes by urban harmonie!
I take transit when i need to go far, and walk when the distance is short. The lights go off when there's no one in a room. I shower instead of bathing.
as for the items... perhaps a birdie necklace from figs and ginger, and a douche bag boating. or just the music box pendant from clockwork fantastica .
tip: I have two bins - two in the bathroom, two in the kitchen and two in the bedroom to separate my recyclables from the trash easier :)
Figs and Ginger jewelry always have such amazing pieces!! I just want to gobble up their whole collection.
Happy Earth Day!
Oh too many gorgeous things to decide.
Though I really love Halfpint Salvages repurposed chalkboards, and Junxtapositions hang tags made me laugh out Loud!
When my daughter was born I had made 20 or so small wipes out of flannel (same size as the store bought) just serging the edges...easy peasy...She's 3.5yrs now...and they're still in perfect shape and great for messy bottoms. no chemical wipes...less paper...save the pennies!
Hmmm.... Green tip: I don't use paper towels at all in my home anymore. Anything I used to clean up with them, I use regular kitchen towels for, and just wash them afterwards. I hate using disposable stuff! I don't even miss having paper towels!
& my favorite thing from the market: I love the bird necklaces from figs & ginger! So pretty!
Thanks for the giveaway!
i'm teaching my 4 year old & 2 year old sons the importance of recycling at the moment - it's fairly easy to do as they both love to sort the recycling so it's not a "chore" just yet :) as they get older we'll move onto more ways they can help care for the earth :)
it's so hard to choose one thing in the market but i do love the letterpress house kit by 1canoe2, i've always been drawn to miniature & fantasy and would love to put this in my house somewhere for someone to find "accidentally" :)
thank you!
I love lapetitevie products! They work and smell great too!
I am a teacher, and my tip is to involve kids. We are now recycling water bottles, juice packets and chip bags at school. The kids are more aware of recycling and keep each other on task. We read a great book about composting on Earth Day as well as watched a video called "I Love the Earth and the Eartyh Loves Me."
Love Samantha French's paintings. Venice I and II are incredible.
Earth Day tip- ride your bike. Everywhere. Biking a mile takes under ten minutes.
I love the pretty water bottles by prettynpreppy.
My husband and I just started using cloth napkins to cut down on how much paper towels and napkins we were using.
Earth day...save your grocery containers...like cottage cheese and spaghetti sauce, reuse them for plant holders, rooters, or even just leftovers!
And pick one item from your collection! hah yeah right! how bout everything! I am serious! i love it all!
Happy Earth Day! Live close to your work or school or whatever you go out to do the most. We have one car and two bikes :)
It is hard to pick a favorite thing, but I love the Figs and Ginger Bird necklace, i already have the ear rings. :)
...i just tried to comment, but i'm not sure if my typepad id is working... : /
Wow. So much great earth-friendly talent here!
My favorite item in the PHM this month has to be Jane Heller's Spring Calf photo. http://www.poppytalkhandmade.com/node/5870
I love thinking of the photographer out in the pasture, or in the barn, getting up close to this sweet animal.
For me, the curiosity and trust in the animal's face says so much about how we should respect other creatures on the planet...and live alongside them, rather than off of them.
Not sure how to link to a tweet - but you can see my shout out to the market here! http://twitter.com/susyjack
Thanks, Jan + Earl!
My recycling habit developed in the past year - recycling #5 plastics at my local Whole Foods Market. Feels great!
Thanks for the giveaway!
learn how to garden organically...it will make you love where you live even more and force you to be super attuned to the seasons.
i'm in love with anything jill bent does, and i would love to have a vivienne strauss piece!
thank you!
Yellow pennant shams $64, Figs and Ginger necklace $71 and a ring $20...oops a little over!
Tip: cloth diapers...its way easier than you think!
This eco-themed market has so many cool items! My favorite item to buy, so far, would be a necklace from Nest Pretty Things...they are so lovely.
Thanks for the chance at the giveaway!
that's awesome!
hopefully, the lucky winner will be me!! :-)
Scabby Robot--love the wedge bags!
My favourite green tip is to use white vinegar! You can stop buying window spray, jet dry if you have a dishwasher, fabric softener, bug spray, floor cleaner, and save your leather boots in the winter salt (if you live in a cold climate)... Everyday is earth day!
We try to reuse food containers- coffee cans, clementine boxes, jam jars, etc.- to storage + organizing. We also use the water from our basement dehumidifier to water the garden during the summer.
There are so many delicious items in the market right now, but I'm definitely digging half pint salvage's re-purposed chalkboard at the moment!
reusable shopping bags -- we've really gotten in to using these lately, and it's cut back a ton on the plastic bags we bring home.
ooh, i LOVE the figs and ginger bird ring!!
My Earth Day tip is to compost your food waste. It's good for the Earth, your garden, and your trash can!
I'm digging the Bananasaurus Rex buntings. I would love to hang one in my son's bedroom!
I love everything in your shop!!! But the scabby robot bags specially make me dreamy!
My tip is... I´ve always used paper in both sides, but I still run through loooots of it... so what I do now is at the end of the week I let all the used pages soak for a night and the next day I play with papier maché making. If you have a blender and frames you could also go directly into making your own recycled paper!
raffles are fun :)
here's my tip:
Never throw away water in the sink; always give it away to your house plants.
favorite piece in the current market:
I love the succulent journal by inklore. It's simple, functional and biodegradable :) Succulents are my favorite plants so would be cool to add to my garden with an inked variety!
a tip on being good to the Earth: buy eco-friendly products :) like from poppytalk handmade current Green Pop Market! and of course to separate your garbage carefully. Recycle, recycle!
it is so hard to pick my favorite, but I've been in love with the brin and nohl's Coffee Sack Basket - Black Swiss Cross!!!
My tip: Don't buy paper towels! Load up on washcloths and dishtowels and use those instead.
My fav market item: Definitely Lisa Congdon's Birch Forest Painting! $150 would go a long way with that!
this giveaway is amazing!!!
angela_jeon at yahoo dot com
Great giveaway!
My tip - save any bags you get from shopping (when not using your reusable bags!) and use them as table covers for kid art projects - or make them an art project by painting on them and cutting them up!
I love the woodgrain clock by Bliss in a Teacup.
jennifereladd at yahoo dot com
We're trying to have a fairly eco-friendly wedding...we're giving our guests little trees to plant as favors...now if I only had something to wear....
I love "paris is a feeling" from irene suchocki - ISPhotography and Scabby Robot's Raw leather clutches...AMAZING!!!
I'm loving the coffee sack baskets from brin and nohl.
My earth day tip is to encourage people to buy digital music and movies. Think about all the plastic cases and discs that are made, then just thrown away- ending up in the ocean and landfills. Most of us put our music on ipods anyway, so why not start there.
And for an extra entry - http://twitter.com/rsanmarchi/status/12705345955
My Earth Day focus is to work toward eliminating food waste. I'm learning to cook in ways that use more of the products that I purchase, understand what I can buy locally and stay on top of what's in season.
The green market is beautiful and diverse. I absolutely love, love, love A Flower of Bowls by Atelier Oker.
My Earth Day tip--take a spork with you in your purse so you don't have to worry about using plastic silverware (or the plastic wrapping around them...)
If I am the lucky commenter, I am definitely looking at the beautiful Samantha French paintings...
Tip for being good to the earth: Eat as little meat as possible, preferably none at all.
And I love the Iron Bird Hook by monkey & squirrel! Very cute!
Fun giveaway!
Tip: I use reusable mest bags for all my produce at the farmers markets or grocery store, no more plastic bags for me
Favorite item: Call your mother pillow a. fruguson
what a great giveaway! i'm in love with everything claudia pearson, specifically the buy local calendar!
eco tip: try growing as much of your own food as possible, even if it's in pots on your patio! then, freeze anything you don't use so that you can eat from it in the winter, too!
tweeted! http://twitter.com/gohometoroost
Happy Earth day!
Tip: recycle, reuse, not take things for granted.
So hard to choose! I love the laptop messenger bags from Stash.
Green tip: Just say "NO" to plastic bags, every store, every time. If I forget my reusable cloth market totes in the car, I make myself go back out and get them. If I forget them at home, I jungle all my purchases in my arms. A couple of times trying to carry out $50 worth of groceries without bags will make you remember to bring the cloth totes with, every time.
Thanks for the giveaway chance! Tip: Make your own yogurt - kids like to help, and the tubs aren't recyclable easily everywhere. Use silicone freezable push up molds to make treats, once the yogurt is done.
My favorite item: red plaid small messenger bag from stash.
I love so many of alexandra ferguson's pillows. they're so clever!
Tip: Really seek out public transportation in your area. The buses/trains are running all day anyway so you might as well hop on and leave your car at home.
Ohh I wants to win!
I love everything in this shop
but there is soo much to choose from. Great giveaway!
left a tweet!
The sleeping bunny pillow is darling! I'm working on an alice in wonderland themed room to go along with my AiW themed blog ;)
I volunteer for the Million Trees Project in NYC. They have planting days in parks and housing developments across all 5 boroughs, and also teach people to care of the trees in their hoods. Great way to meet people, too! =)
I have to say I am in love with the Elisa Shere Jewelry Shop. The Organic Tear Drop Necklace is something I would be wearing right now if I had one!
My Earth Day tip is to go play outside. Turn all the electronics off in your home and go for a walk, take a moment to refresh and unplug yourself. You will be happier, healthier and your computer will finally get a much deserved break.
ooh. Hard to choose. I love all of the work by nottypooch, lisa congdon and ottoman!
i'd have to go with a vivienne strauss print. if i win i would love to give her fern and gloria print to my best friend emily who lives far far away...
Oh oh oh!
i'm loving the Let's Go Ride Bikes print from 1canoe2.
Riding your bike, instead of driving, not only saves your wallet but also cuts down on air pollution! Plus it's a lot of fun, and sometimes you see things that you wouldn't necessarily see if you were riding in your car.
But, be sure to be safe and wear a helmet! :)
My good to earth tip :
I re-use not only cloth shopping bags when going to the grocery store
but also wash and re-use produce bags for veggies and bulk goods, hardly ever use new ones..that's saving a lot of plastic..
my favorite item from the market is..
'Aqua birch print', by: Lisa Cogdon
I'm ALSO a huge fan of the Let's Go Ride Bikes print from 1canoe2. I have a collection of bicycle prints from various artists. I sold my car three years ago and bike everywhere--good on the earth and the body!
I am in love with Alevandra Ferguson's "No Whining" pillow. It would look great in my own craft room. The "Naughty Cat Fishing" is also wonderful. For Earth Day this year I finished up planting my garden. The lettuce, basil and carrots I put in giant black rubbermaid totes that I scavenged sometime ago when I was in College. They're perfect for container gardening!
earth tips: buy local and reduce food waste (use rotting berries to make coulis, chicken bones and veggies to make stock, etc.), flush your toilet less, hang-dry all your clothes (outside or in), be imaginative and reuse everything you can (like jars and bottles for food, craft, and other storage), drink tap water, use towels and cloth napkins instead of paper towels and disposables, AND get outside as often as you can!
i love Ottoman's Moss for your Wall, but i most confess i already own one of her lovely pieces, so i would probably indulge in one of Scabby Robot's wedge totes - in cedar or chocolat. this is such a gorgeous market!
thanks for the oh-so-lovely giveaway! xo
In Love with Jill Bent's Cabbage Rose Tote!
Be nice to the earth by using chemical free beauty products, I do. I recommend Dr. Bronners Tea Tree Bar Soap and everything from Wash The Day Away's etsy shop.
I loved the organic fabrics and pillows!
I LOVE fabrics!!!!!!
My main concern is to use my own bags (Eco-bags) instead of using the plastic!
Use both sides of the paper ever!
Learn to recycle paper is one of my dreams!
Every package here at home is transformed into something useful!
I' m from Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL !
Such an amazing giveaway! All the shops are gorgeous, but I have a special love for Ottoman ;)
One tip is basic, but effective: stop eating processed foods, esp. with extraneous packaging and additives like high fructose corn syrup and other nasty, non-essential grossness. It's so much better tasting, better for you, and better for the planet! :)
My tip on being good to the Earth is to buy locally.
My favourite piece is the NaturalPerfume Locket from Illuminated Perfume.
I tweeted.
wow what an incredible giveaway! so many very simple things we can do to help the environment. unplug items we are not using, use canvas bags at any store, hang your clothes out to dry, use energy efficient bulbs, a gas-free push mower, ride a bike, put in solar panels, recycle, reuse, eat less meat! the list goes on. :)
hmmm...my favorite was probably the half pint salvage plinth block coat hooks...although they rallied most everything else in the shop...ha. Earth day tip? Take a walk and just enjoy God's green creation...despite all we could do to "help" the earth..sometimes we forget to just outside and enjoy its beauty...
an earth day tip would be to avoid using the dryer- hang clothes outside when it's sunny and inside on a dryer rack when it's not. that's always worked for me and i find it really a nice thing to do to slow myself down as i hang clothes up. kind of meditative.. hah!
and hmm, my favourite would me humunuku's "je t'aime" silkscreened cards.
I love elsage's hair flowers!
An Earth Day tip would be to take advantage of eating outdoors. It cuts down on electricity for lighting and who doesn't love a picnic?
I think the Stash bags are great. A really gorgeous way to re-use unwanted, out of date, clothing.
There's one green tip I'd like to offer up to cat owners. Many people don't know that the most cat litter is not biodegradeable. The typical clay cat litter will basically just sit in a dump forever. On top of that, it can be terrible for your cat's (and your own) respiratory systems and fatal to small cats and kittens. There are a several brands of cedar, corn, and newspaper litters out on the market now that are conveniently flushable and safe on the environment and pets. I highly suggest that all cat owners switch to a better litter.
Completely in love with anything in the stash section... Particularly the pink!
My tip is to take your own (glass, reusable) tupperware to the restaurant with you. No more take out boxes clogging up the dump!
I love the towels by claudia pearson and the bath products by flourish!
I've been challenging myself to not touch the heater or AC- if I'm cold, I bundle up and if I'm hot, I open doors and windows! We are too spoiled ;-)
No TV, no cellphone!
My favorite is the pleated clutch.
I love reading everyone's suggestions! So many great ideas. We don't use/consume animal products and we always turn off lights when we leave a room.
The prints by Matte Stephens and Stephanie Levy are lovely!
My earth tip is to always sort my garbage and walk or travel by tram instead of driving a car.
I love Samantha french and monkey & squirrel. So much things I like in the shop.
Whoa, how amazing would this be?
My earth day tip: it's not earth-shattering, but we always unplug everything except the fridge before leaving for the day - saves $$$ and electricity.
Awesome giveaway! There's too much good stuff to just pick one favorite, but I love the Volkswagen Blues photo. I'm a Beetle girl! The Fairview Wrap is fabulous too!
My tip: When I print something on one side of paper that I don't need to keep, instead of recycling it right away, I print on the other side too.
Oh I would love to win this! I just tweeted the contest too.
Bliss in a Teacups banner is just too much fun! Lots of very fun items!
what we did for Earth week this year is purchase re-usable sandwich bags and coffee sleeves. And I love everything bird related in your market!
I've got a kid (dressed head to toe in green for Earth Day) who would love one of the cute dresses from Spool & Sparrow.
We compost everything possible around these parts - gets rid of about 50% of the household waste... combined with the recycling, the waste bin takes a few weeks to fill up!
Earth day tip- cut your carbon footprint and grow your own, buy local food, eat with the seasons!
I love the monkey & squirrel coat-racks from the Poppytalk handmade market.
my favorite things is the lichen jar 3 from ottoman. I like to grow my own fruits and veggies to help the earth :D
Earth tips: reduce your use of plastics by buying in bulk (in grocery stores and health-food stores). Buy from your local Farmer's Market, and take up cooking! You save a ton of CO2 by reducing your foods footprint!
The teapot by atelier oker is absolutely gorgeous.
I love Cabbage Rose Tote so much!
tips for Earth Day:
Keep browsing on internet about upcycled fashion, find out what you can make from your old stuffs.
Be creative so you won't throw a waste, you'll retouch and make it reusable.
I've done some, and i spread the good news through social networking!
A very simple rule to show our love to mother earth, don't littering.
I am obsessed ginkgos and I use burlap textures in my work so naturally, I love the ginkgko coffee sack by brin and nohl. I love everything from this table!!
i love those blank pink damask notecards by 175designstudio! they are soo lovely!! one thing to do is use reusable sandwich bags to bring for lunches instead of daily plastic bags!! thanks for a chance at winning this awesome giveaway!
Good to the earth? Besides "if it's yellow let it mellow" i'm a big fan of learning too cook to cut down on packaging waste (that's going to sit in a landfill for 200 years), as well. Though it's hard when Trader Joe's makes jaipur vegetables so easy, cheap and tasty. Haha.
these billfold wallets by stash are my favorite. they come in some awesome fabrics. - I'd love a padded 15" mac book sleeve to match!
Okay, first of all, I am so happy to have stumbled upon this site. What beautiful things! It was so easy to find things I liked. I had to edit my list to keep it under $150! I liked Half Pint Salvage's Salvaged Organizer $31, Green Thread's Organic Baby Bloomers $35, Isphotography's 8x8 Print Set $65, and Monkey & Squirrel's Elephant Wall Hook $16.
Earth tip: Teach your kids everything you know about recycling, conserving, planting, composting, organic living, nurturing, etc., etc., etc. They are the ones who will be turning things around. Fingers crossed!
I am in love with the beautiful wedge tote!
Shop for local foods when possible and cook with what's in season! Use your farmers markets :)
a) my earth day tip is to try and buy local products and produce whenever possible. This reduces the amount of carbon required for the products to travel. And what better way to support your local economy as well!
b) and on that same theme I love Claudia Pearson's "buy local" tea towels
thanks for sharing!
Here's a simple but important idea... bring your own bags to the store and pack your lunch in a reusable bag! Here in Seattle, we had some very sad news when a gray whale beached itself in Puget Sound and its stomach contained hundreds of plastic bags. Think of the earth, the animals, the plants, and us! Plus, there are so many cute reusable bags out there! Anyway...
I love the jewelry by Figs & Ginger (also their plant a tree giveaway!). I'd pick up two birds on a wire necklaces; one for me and one for my beautiful mom!
Air dry clothing rather than using the dryer. Rig up a clothes line in your back yard or purchase a clothes maiden off of Craigslist.
A fig and Ginger bird necklace for my mum. And maybe a laptop holder.
Wow, this site is so wonderful. Everything is so cool! I'd love to get the noonie blankey from lalas pequenos to give to my very pregnant sister in law. She would absolutely love it!
A good tip I heard in cooking class this week- be conscious of all containers you buy your food in. And compost all you can! The instructor of the course composts two 96 gallon bins of material a week and wastes almost nothing. Now THAT'S impressive and something to strive for :)
Wonderful site!
Personally, I really liked the floral wall decor and the spring leaves coat hanger and the birds of a feather from monkey & squirrel. I also looved the wood grain clock from bliss in a tea cup. I rather liked the bud explosion from alexandra ferguson. The fairview wrap by Kove also really caught my attention. All of Hippie Kingdom's collection is adorable, and super earth friendly too. I also adored everything from Nest Pretty Things...I realize these all probably pass the 150 mark but I just could not decide on which was my fave because there were sooo many cute things.
My tip would be to do what the people from your market do, to recycle and reuse things. People have this consumerist way of looking at things where we throw out so we can buy more, but if we reuse things from our daily life, then we are doing the planet such a huge favor. For instance, I like to make things out of wrapping paper. Think about all the parties and events that require wrapping paper, even when someone ships you something in a ups box or when you buy new shoes, there is wrapping paper involved. Do something with it! Or how about not using plastic bags fromn Publix but buying some cute and reusable bags or totes to lug your groceries around? Or you can do something simple like turn off the lights, the fan, the electricity for just one day every month...it all adds up to a whole lot of awesome planet healing stuff.
Keeping my fingers crossed!
~Andrea L.
p.s. thanks for the opportunity to win this! :)
My tip is to compost, it is so easy to do ans makes a difference. And my favourite item from the market is the water bottle from Pretty n Pretty.
Thanks for such a generous giveaway!
I love everything!!! The coffee baskets from Birn and Nohl are calling my name though!!!!
Thank you!
How do I even choose?!?!?! I just spent like a million and fifty minutes browsing through all the offerings in your Green Shop.
Looooove Lisa Congdon's art (p.s. Did you see her featured in Martha Stewart Living Magazine??!), the adorable rabbit pillows in Green Thread (who cares that I'm not a kid and don't have any) and all that beautiful jewelery in Nest Pretty Things, and the moose in Monkey & Squirrel!!!
Oh I forgot my Earth Day tip: NEVER use plastic bags. I always bring reusable bags with me, and if I forget, I just throw the milk and apples and bread into my purse! Hahah!
I absolutely adore monkey & squirrel's birds of a feather hook. Its just divine.
My tip:
Invest in a re-usable water bottle.
Trash studies between 2000-2005 showed that only 1 in 10 disposable waters bottles where recycled. We should stop buying and trashing bottled waters. It will save you hundreds and eliminate trash that will never bio-degrade.
I tweeted this giveaway. I'm @brideandadog my tweet: http://twitter.com/brideandadog/status/12732024525
Love the block-printed bicycle pillow from spool + sparrow! so darling. :)
My favorite is the Betz White pillows! They are so cute and colorful!
Instead of driving to the gym and getting on the treadmill, walk. Or instead of buying herbs all summer long, start a small herb garden. My favorite piece in the entire shop has to be the animal bunting by humunuku or the cow and pig post cards, those are cute too.
What a great give away - I love all the great earth-friendly advice.
What an amazing giveaway! It would be so easy to spend $150 in monkey & squirrel, emilie friday, or bliss in a teacup, or all three for that matter!
I try to practice earth day everyday by teaching my son how to recycle and it is something that easy to but makes a big difference!
Oh, what a lovely giveaway!
I could easily get lost in the Half Pint Salvage, Monkey & Squirrel & Coucou Salut sections of the Market!
eco-tip: support your local farms by resourcing your veggies, meat & dairy from local sources (farm itself, local farmer's markets, businesses that deal with locally grown foods).
Also tweeted this generous giveaway!
I love the malmo jeans!!!
My tip is: don't use wrapping paper or those bags full of tissue paper. Instead, make your own with old magazines. You can make cute bowls to decorate the gift with the magazines too. Looks very different!
Everyday is Earth Day!!!
I love the little swing set prints by Kiki and Kelly. But then, I also love everything else too!
My favourite Earth Day tip is to unplug small appliances that you are not using. I sort of make a game of it to help me remember to do it.
I love the "LOVE Cloth Pouches", my wedding is in October, and these would make a great part of our giveaway.
Scabby Robot makes the best tote bags!
Tip: Become Vegetarian: meat production is responsible for around 18% of global CO2 emissions. 5,214 gallons of water are required to produce a single pound of beef, and the EPA estimates that more than 27,000 miles of US rivers have been polluted by livestock waste.
Wow what an amazing giveaway.
It was impossible for me to choose just one item from the market, but I love the pink and brown handbag from Karen Meyers!!!
My tip? We have a worm farm at our house that we put all our leftover food scraps into. We can then use it on our vegie gardens later!!
caseymcardle @ hotmail.com
My eco-tip: Instead of throwing out your used plastic containers (e.g. milk bottles/ice cream containers), chop the top off them, put holes in the base and decorate them with your kids using recycled materials ~ take them outside, fill them with dirt and they make beautiful eco-garden pots to plant your herbs and veggies in! Yay!
My fave market item: Bananasaurus Rex's reusable snack bags ~ she uses such beautiful fabrics!
Wow, I love the slow industries printed stuff, beautiful!
I made a new years resolution a few years ago to 'buy nothing'. I wasn't completely hardcore but I did no shops, no thrift stores and no internet. Still had normal food shop and went out for the occasional meal. I started with 3 months and that was easy and did a year in the end, ( I think in that time i bought a pair of sunglasses, 2 vests all needed and had 1 lapse and bought some japanese craft books). It was really great and now my shopping habits have changed. Now I am trying to buy handmade a lot for this years resolution.
There are a lot of great things in the marketplace, but I think my favorite is actually the mustache crayons. I'm going to have to buy those regardless of if I win this contest! Which would be awesome.
And a great earth day tip, and every day tip is where you can use natural cleaning products! I use vinegar and some lemon juice to wipe down counters, and vinegar to wipe down windows, and borax to my laundry! People got their homes clean for hundreds of years before that chemical stuff came around!
here's my tweet about it!
organic baby bloomers - i can picture chubby little thighs poppign out the bottom
buy what you need size wise - a house you fit rather than having unused rooms, giant t.v. really i think not - make the smallest dent you can
great giveaway. thanks!
kim miler
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