Dispatches from Spain: Vintage Typography

Contributor post by Serena Olivieri

Well, I was so inspired by Tracy's post the other day that I thought it could be interesting to do the same about Madrid's vintage sign typography. So I went out with my camera and started taking pics of the old shop's in the neighborhoods of La Latina y Las Letras but, honestly, they're everywhere in this city, so this is just a little sample. Some of the places still have the same sign, other changed it with a modern one, but mainteining the same old-style design.

Most of the original signs in Madrid that are around today - which are desappearing constantly - were made around the first half of the 20th century. They used different techniques: paint on wood, on tiles, on mirror glass, on the wall, iron on stone...Here you'll find some old and new typographies that I found interesting while walking around the tiny streets.

I love the Relojeria (Clockmaker's) one: simple awesome plane green turquoise color and wooden typography: still a winner! I hope you like this little selection of vintage typography and hope that you could find it helpful someway.

All images by Serena Olivieri

Jan Halvarson

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Rebecca Ann said...

I love these - especially all together! I think my has to be the Fontaneria sign... good colours and loving the shabbiness. :)

Unknown said...

Serena - what a charming post! I love seeing all the Spanish signage. I agree with you that the clockmaker's sign is completely awesome. Also the Farmacia. And I adore the collages you made!

Kreetta said...

I do agree!!! Relojeria (Clockmaker's) is the best. I think vintage typography is such a visual candy.

Claudia said...

I love this post, I am such a fan of typography! Beautiful examples!

Anonymous said...

Oh boy! Love this post! These so
take me back to my days of living in Madrid. Thanks for sharing. They are beautiful!