Canadian Pinterest Users to Follow (Part 1)

I thought it would be fun today to feature a few Canadian Pinterest users I follow that I think really stand out. I'm constantly pinning from these people and they certainly deserve some limelight. From magazine editors to interior and graphic designers, here's Part 1 of which I hope will be many more. (Pssst! If you know of any great Canadian pinners, feel free to leave a comment)!

Angela Ritchie

Angela runs Angela Ritchie's Ace Camps (vacations where you learn from the BEST, the most POPULAR and the most INTERESTING leaders) and she's also got a talent for finding cool things.  From textiles to photography, she's most definitely one to follow.  See her pins here:

Sharon at Layers & Layers

Owner/partner of Layers & Layers, a multi-line Trade Only showroom - this lady has the knowledge and eye we all wish we had.  Lots of glamour and beauty. Follow her at

Lily of Birch and Bird

Many of you may know Lily here on the blog as every week this summer she's been guest posting her beautiful outdoor-themed finds. Lily is co-blogger at Birch and Bird (based out of Abbotsford - a suburb of Vancouver) and also runs Scout Handmade a bi-annual market.  With all of that in mind, you can be sure she has some excellent finds to share.  Check her out at

Jane Francisco

I was thrilled to find Jane Francisco's pin boards, Editor in Chief at Chatelaine Magazine (was Style at Home, Wish, Glow) –just because it's kind of like walking into her magazine editor's office.  You get to see what she's looking at and in turn, it's sort of a sneak peek into what she's thinking for the magazine perhaps - I love that.  I'm especially loving  her boathouse pins (like the one at the top from Dwell). 

Suzanne Dimma

Another cool find - House and Home's Editor-in-Chief, Suzanne Dimma!  Suzanne has this perfect combination of taste - refined and relaxed.  I love browsing through her pins and find myself loving each and every one of them!  Visit them here!

Margot Austin

Margot Austin - as many of you I'm sure know is an amazing stylist here in Canada and works as an Editor at House and Home (and was formerly with Style at Home). This lady really knows her stuff and has a  keen eye for the beautiful which might also include the odd Frenchie here and there.  Check out her pins here.  (Top photo from House and Home – May 2012, Styling – Margot Austin, Photography – Michael Graydon).

Rosa Pearson from Flutter Flutter

Rosa of Flutter Flutter is a graphic designer has a keen eye for fun DIY's for both adults and kids alike.  She also has a great eye for interiors.  Click here to visit her pins.

Covet Garden (magazine)

The folks at Covet Garden have it going on with some nice pins happening - particularly from their magazine.  I only wish they would pin more.  More please!  See them here.

Nerissa of The New Domestic

Nerissa of The New Domestic (she makes amazing bags by the way) has a crazy good eye! From fashion to the backyard, she's one to definitely follow! See her pins here!

Stay tuned for more!  You can check out what I've been pinning lately here.

Jan Halvarson


i am not a celebrity said...

Lovely. Thanks so much for sharing these. Many beautiful finds and new people to follow.

And I know I'm not Canadian (I'm actually and Aussie living in London), but you can check out my boards here.

Wishing you an inspired day.


Tasia |Ruffles and Sequins| said...

Oooo love reading this, but I was hoping for seeing more Canadian fashion bloggers pinterest boards. Maybe you could keep doing this as a series for Canadian pinners?


Aine Ryan said...

Hi Jan,

I love Poppytalk and I love your pins. But I'm sometimes frustrated that the original source isn't credited. :(

Prehaps you could draw your readers attention to this article:

Keep up the good (and beautiful!) work.


Anonymous said...

So excited to see a few blogger friends featured in this list, some Canadian design celebrity staples and a few new ones! Great mix ;)

Anne Hill said...

Awesome! Thanks for sharing these- I may need to go follow them ALL right now!

Wendy said...

What a great idea. Thanks for sharing some of your favourite Canadian pinners. Now following those not already on my list...

Anonymous said...

I love these inspirations!
Have a look at my pinterest too,

Jan Halvarson said...

Kate - thanks - I'll take a look!
Tiny Dancer - fashion - any suggestions?
Aine - i agree and will take a look at that article
Anne - awesome, thanks for dropping by
Wendy - : )
Sarah, thanks for the link! checking out now!

Stacey said...

Oh! Such an awesome list... I think I've got some browsing to do :) Thanks for this!

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic list! I am going to add the one's I'm not already following to my list. Thank you!!

christelle is flabbergasting said...

Awesome! I am always looking for fresh and creative pinterest-ers to follow! Your list features a lot of what I like: great designs, inspiration and colors!

Pinecone Camp said...

Some great pinners! I haven't really delved too much in pinterest yet. Thanks for the list and inspiring me to get on it!

Kristen @ Storefront Life said...

Awesome! Love to see other what other Canadians are pinning.

kickpleat said...

Yay! So many new-to-me pinners! Thanks for the recs, Jan.

Susan said...

Lovely! Thanks for sharing. Nice to see pins from a Canadian perspective!

I'm at for anyone who's interested.

Caitlin S. said...

eee this is exciting, thanks for the recs!


Jan Halvarson said...

Susan - thanks - love those doors you pinned!

Lily from Birch + Bird said...

Oh my goodness, how did I miss this?? Just found it via Pinterest, of all places :) Thanks so much for the shout out Jan!!

Jan Halvarson said...

Lily - haha - that's funny!