The Art of the Display

1. Junkaholique
2. Spazio Lineare | Pianca spa // Alessandro Pasinelli
3. Shootfactory
4. Thom Filicia via Decorpad (via Sharon at Layers + Layers)
5. inspiringinterior via Be Mine Interior Design (via Sharon at Layers + Layers)

Jan Halvarson


Alex - The Interior DIYer said...

There's a book all about this, it's called 'Arranging Things; A Rhetoric of Object Placement' by Leonard Koren. Except it can be difficult to get your hands on. I ordered it a year ago! Rawr.

Katriel said...

Great visual examples. Also, thanks Hydrangea Girl for the reco! Methinks that giant playing card spells out my next diy project...

Jan Halvarson said...

Yes sounds like a good book indeed Hydrangea Girl and Kourtney - oh if you do, please do share!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous displays! Yeah, they taught us that in art school---they called it presentation! Things DO sing when displayed and presented in just the right way! And these are humming happy tunes and sweet lyrics!

Karen K Dickeu said...

Loove that light fixture, dreamiest desk too!