Toronto Interior Design Show Round-Up

Lissoni - Photo by Rambling Renovators

Not being in Toronto this weekend for the Interior Design Show is killing me, but I've hunted down a few good pics and links to whip up a "round-up" post of sorts.  Loving the above photo of the lounge by architect, Piero Lissoni taken by Jennifer Flores' blog Rambling Renovators. Lissoni was the this year's international guest of honour, and has worked with well-known brands such as Kartell, Alessi, and Cassina.


The palette of creams, taupes, off-whites and light wood (reminds me of this post) and showcasing the pages of books, rather than their spines (reminds me of this post) totally has my head spinning with ideas in changing things up in our living room.  Here's a couple more pictures of the Lissoni exhibit via Design Maze (below).

Lissoni - Photo by Design Maze

Lissoni - Photo by Design Maze

Mason Studio from the How Do You Live Exhibit

Mason Studio - Photo by Karolyne Ellacott for
The installation above is by Toronto-based Mason Studio where they turned half of a shipping container into a room which questions the way a space can be lived in. A trough/table that featured various vignettes which also acted as a route for water to traverse, running from a faucet into a garden.  Update: Note Herriott Grace wooden boards in display.

Design Icons

Photo by Design Maze

An exhibit featuring five iconic designs sculpted in ice blocks.  This one, the LC2 Chair by Le Corbusier. 


Photo by Design Maze

B.C. local Brent Comber is seen hard at work on his split cedar ball for the Offsite/Onsite exhibit.

Photo by Design Maze

Industrial designer, Patty Johnson discussed her Vodunuvo collection (a design platform for the Haiti effort centres around Voodoo "as a metaphor for Haitian struggle) and other local crafts including this dress made from craft paper.


Photo by Karolyne Ellacott for

An entrance installation from architectural firm, featuring a felt strip curtain suspended from the ceiling where digital images were projected onto drawing visitors into the main exhibition space.

Lorea Sinclaire

Emily Carr University design student Lorea Sinclaire exhibited her adorable ceramic tiffin lunch kit.

More reading from IDS:
Dispatches from Toronto: Studio North
Design Maze: IDS Sneak Peek
Not Fork Chops from Fieldguided
Rambling Renovators:  Interior Design Show 2012 Preview Nine highlights from the Interior Design Show 2012
House and Home: IDS 12 Highlights
IDS at Kitka 

Jan Halvarson


Unknown said...

the ceramic tiffin lunch kit - win!

call me debbie said...

This bookcase is so beautiful but just imagine to forget where a book is. Too bad for you! :D

(New blog needing some love and support:

Pinecone Camp said...

Argh! I'm so sad I had to cancel my Toronto trip. Thanks for sharing some pics, Jan. Want to come with me next year? ;)

Unknown said...

I was just thinking of displaying my books the same way, and I'm glad to see an example of where it works so well.

Jan Halvarson said...

Janis - I'll work on trying to fit into your suitcase now!

Leny said...

Wow! Super awesome to those stuffs!!

Kim Vallee said...

When I read the title, I said to myself "Did I miss meeting Jan? at IDS". Besides the show, there were fun design blogger events. I hope to meet you there next year.

- Kim

Jan Halvarson said...

Hi Kim - I heard and read about those - and it would have been fun to have met you - yes I hope next year!!!

dahlhaus said...

Love the ceramic tiffin tin- awesome!!!