Psssst! A Fun Announcement!


I have a fun announcement for you guys this morning! I'm more than thrilled to announce I'm one of the new bloggers at IKEA's newly re-launched ideas and inspiration site,!  I hope you'll follow me as I post about ideas and inspiration for my own home, improvements we are making on our reno and small personal stories.  Also visit my fellow bloggers there such as Maxwell from Apartment Therapy and Desiree of VosgesParis to name just a few.  I'll be posting there on a monthly basis, and my first post has gone live today which you can read HERE! (Psssst!  It was written a few weeks ago when the blueberries were ripe here).

Jan Halvarson


Katie said...

That's super exciting news - can't wait to check it out!!

HeidiRose said...

How fabulous!!
I love all things Ikea (Ikea hacker is a favourite), looking forward to some great inspiring ideas.

Angel Y. said...

Congrats! I hope it goes well. The site looks wonderful. Looking forward to your blog posts there as well.

Karyn said...

Fantastic! I was just checking out that site yesterday. I love Ikea. I've used it to makes up a fair amount of my home and people are always surprised about the source when they are here for the first time.

kickpleat said...

How cool! Congratulations! It's been ages since I've been to Ikea & I'm dying to check out their new stuff!

Gwyneth said...

That's fantastic news, you are a busy lady... Going to check it out now!

Marisa Seguin said...

Congratulations, Jan! Can't wait to read your posts. Your pictures are lovely. Did you use some sort of camera app to take them?

Linda said...

Congratulations, that's so exciting!! Will look forward to your posts!

cca. said...


Anonymous said...

That's so awesome, congrats! Will definitely be following!

Anonymous said...

That's so awesome, congrats! Will definitely be following!

Mandy Behrens said...

Congratulations! No surprise! I look forward to your posts...I only wish I were closer to our IKEA here in Seattle. Cheers, Mandy

Crystal- said...

Congratulations Jan! That is very cool. :) Neat to see that Ikea is taking an "individual style" spin to their blog.

Jan Halvarson said...

Thank you all for your good wishes!

Marisa - yes it's instagram!

Arantza said...


Coco Cake Land said...

whut!! crazy jan! congratulations, can't wait to read your posts. you are a busy, busy beaver, girl. ^__^

Ruth said...

Awesome news Jan!

Luna Levy said...

Yay - I love IKEA :) xo

Amy - Thank You Cards Shop said...

wow - big congrats on this!

vosgesparis said...

gosh I missed this post and I am namerd in it Thank you !
you are very supportive always xx
On more IKEA posts to come ;)

PS I found it through Technorati telling me LOL