For your listening enjoyment. Can't get this out of my head thanks to Bekka Palmer.
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I adore this song! It is absolutely perfect and so infectious. One of the few albums where I actually like every single song.
I've been singing this song in the car with the windows down, on repeat! I think it may just be the song of the summer
I am OBSESSED with this CD. They are fantastic. {I can't get enough of the first track}
I just saw them play in La Jolla a few weeks ago. My girlfriends and I took a photo with Mr. Fitz himself!
they're coming to Milwaukee on September 18th for the Rock the Green festival! I can't wait to see them (they're playing with the Fray... very excited!)
Now I can't get this out of my head either, haha
Look like Spandau Ballet, vocals like Hall and Oates - but I could swear he was saying "Bunny Crackers"!
I LOVE this song! It's so great. A little bit retro is perfect for me.
i can't stop playing it over and over again!!!
It's a good one! I have had it on repeat for weeks!
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