1. Vintage Doily Garland, vintage chenille
2. Under the influence, original painting, vivienne strauss
3. Succulent necklace, woodland belle
4. The Field Bag, sketchbook
vintage chenille |
vivienne strauss |
woodland belle |
sketchbook |
vintage chenille |
vivienne strauss |
woodland belle |
sketchbook |
Exciting news! I have taken the plunge and have moved Poppytalk onto Wordpress (well, a good portion of it anyway —many of the archive po...
I love that green bag - it's so me!
I'm going to pin it onto my new Stye board on Pinterest :-)
If only I wore necklaces! That one's lovely and while I like in theory, necklaces drive me crazy IRL.
The green bag is pretty sweet too - and THAT I'd actually use!
Lovely necklace!
Oh that bag! It looks like just the right size to stylishly carry my camera!
Adding to the list - but, I love LOVE that green bag. WANT please. If anyone would like to purchase for me, I'd be ever so grateful. :)
- Carrie
LOVE the Vivenne Strauss artwork.
For design and fashion inspiration check out THINGS SHE MADE !
Fashion Hype / Graphic Content / Pretty Things
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