Today at Poppytalk Handmade

1. Vintage Doily Garland, vintage chenille
2.  Under the influence, original painting, vivienne strauss
3.  Succulent necklace, woodland belle
4.  The Field Bag, sketchbook

vintage chenille

vivienne strauss

woodland belle


Jan Halvarson


Fiona Cartolina said...

I love that green bag - it's so me!
I'm going to pin it onto my new Stye board on Pinterest :-)

Tanya Ott said...

If only I wore necklaces! That one's lovely and while I like in theory, necklaces drive me crazy IRL.

The green bag is pretty sweet too - and THAT I'd actually use!

Brenda said...

Lovely necklace!

Katie said...

Oh that bag! It looks like just the right size to stylishly carry my camera!

Anonymous said...

Adding to the list - but, I love LOVE that green bag. WANT please. If anyone would like to purchase for me, I'd be ever so grateful. :)
- Carrie

D.R.P. said...

LOVE the Vivenne Strauss artwork.

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