Cool Decorating Trick No. 6
A creative and economical way to build one of those coveted vertical gardens. Turn a pocket shoe organizer into a veggie patch! You may have read my post last year on the woolly pockets, so this idea of using a canvas pocket shoe organizer is a brilliant and much cheaper alternative! From
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that is incredibly cool.
very good idea. I don't have garden, but I have a big balkony. I can do this in there :)
What an amazing idea. I'm going to forward your blogpost to my best friend who has a tiny garden and loves growing her own herbs and veggies! Thanks for sharing!
Wooly pockets are awesome but your idea is brilliant!
Love this idea. Think I'm gonna try it for a nice herb garden! Thanks for sharing!
Very Clever. A great herb garden for not a lot of space. Not sure how the tomatos will do though. Mine always get so huge!
In the Pursuit of Cuter Clothes
I did an entire post on Vertical Gardening and included this plus many more.
Love this one!
Jill V. / TerraSavvy
totally doing this on my balcony!
me too!
I've always wanted my own little herb garden, but have feared furry critters would leave their "mark" on my basil and rosemary. This would totally solve that problem. I think I'll try it!
It seems great in theory but....what's to stop the fabric from rotting?
Brilliant idea!
genius! i want to do this!
What a great and creative idea! Thanks for sharing.
brillant. would love to try this!
I am totally going to steal this idea - thanks!
I am totally going to steal this idea - thanks!
Best idea, ever! Definitely going to have to do this!
awww! Great!
I like all of these!
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