DIY Scrap Pallet Plank Wall
Katy of Mom and Her Drill made this wood plank wall out of scrap pallets recently, and I'm in awe of her capabilities and anything made out of pallets. This lady (a single mom of three) with a bit of help from her father removing the ring shank nails from the pallets, put up this entire wall all by herself. And if that's not impressive, check out her treehouse, deck, bathroom and kitchen. She's amazing.
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This is amazing, it really works so well in that room x
wow! I want those skills! The wall looks very good in that room, I have a female friend who built her own house, these women blow me away!
oh sweeet! Another awesome thing to do with pallets!!
I saw a half wall dining room space done like this before and loved it! Great post!
Wow, that is cool on so many levels!
so innovative! reminds me of a ship being docked right in the living room!
I can't get over how amazing that looks! It gives the perfect "feel" for the room doesn't it? Just the right wood and the right placement. Love it! Thanks for sharing Jan!
wow! thank you for mentioning my project, I'm sort of shocked! ha ha
I am still in a total quandry about how I'm going to finish this wall, or the rest of the room for that matter. But for the time being, I'm digging this "old ship" feeling. :)
I want to be like her when I grow up. I wonder- did she do anything to the wood before putting it on the wall (sand, finish, etc.)? It looks great!
awesome! awesome! awesome! take this idea!
Katy - thanks for stopping by! we are all in awe, amazing job!
emily - good questions - i think i read she sanded, but i will have to go back and double check.
that's a brilliant way to get rid of skids! I have a drill, but I don't have any pallets...yet! Hey, maybe I'll build our chicken coop out of these!
YESS I will do this to my future home someday-So glad you posted a DIY about it!
Sorry, to answer the sanding question:
i did nothing to these pallets but rip them apart. They are very rough, have holes, bits missing here and there, etc.
Originally I was going to paint, and I think I would need to sand for sure if I continue with that plan. I might even have to patch with some drywall compound and sand, but I don't know what I'm going to do yet!
Seriously lovely
How beautiful! I wish there was a way that I could do this in my rental apartment. Stunning and eco friendly!
Love this!!
Um! I think this might be the most awesome DIY ever. Go Katy!!
this is a fabulous idea and is so green! my heart skips a beat.
what a great idea! thanks for sharing
That's an awesome idea, thanks for sharing!
Heather - that would be an awesome idea for your chicken coop! but can we set up a sitting room in it first and play house? : )
Jan, I love this! It looks fantastic.
BAD ASS!!! I have loved this idea ever since I saw it on D*S, and this lady has executed it perfectly! I will definitely be checking out her tutorial, looks awesome :)
Love this idea but I hate to be a party pooper. Nearly all pallets are treated with heavy doses of deadly bug and rodent repellents and outgas these products something fierce. The treatments are meant to last for months if not years. They are far more toxic then treated lumber for decks. It could make them very, very sick :(
Looks amazing. So impressed!
amazing! i would have never thought of this... what a genius idea!
What a fantastic idea! I want to do this.... but after reading kimberj's comment, maybe not. :(
I know that pallets use some gorgeous woods, I have made things with them before... I wonder if painting will take care of the toxins? I would look into that (that would suck) but if it isn't an issue, I would leave it unpainted... it is SO gorgeous!!! I would look up the toxin thing from where you get pallets from because I think I would have gotten an earful from my stepfather on that already (I use their wood a lot) and he usually knows stuff like that.
True about the toxic element. My brother used to burn pallet wood in the fireplace. It was the cause of his throat cancer. :(
From what i can find wood pallets are sterilized using a heat treatment which eliminates the need to use a fungicide for sterilizing so that they don't contaminate the shipped products and specifically food. -
Totally cool idea! Love it!
Wow- Amazing! I love the recycled element to the whole process.
Thanks for the link Jan! I do have to wonder if all companies making pallets are using this process (how many companies make pallets?) and how long they've been doing it. Older pallets would indeed need to be avoided.
None the less, I love the plank wall and I think Katy is something fierce!
about the toxic issue: I live nearby a pallet company. I have been there and seen the pallets, and there is no chemical spraying going on. I am not sure where this is coming from, unless it's shipping pallets coming from China or something. But we are not going to be eating off of them, and if I was nervous i could give it a clear coat.
How were you able to remove the planks from the pallet easily? I think pallets are put together with hard to remove ring nails. Any advice or help is greatly appreciated.
anon - this isn't our diy - it is Katy's of Mom and Her Drill and if you read her post she talks about that.
Love the idea. In fact I am trying to create this design on my 10' living room wall. My problem is, is that it is so hard to get the pallets apart! Please tell me how you were able to get the planks off of the pallet. I have tried using a pry bar and an hammer and I keep splitting the wood. Thank you!
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