Got Craft Swag Bag Giveaway!
The Got Craft Holiday Fair is this Sunday and if you've been to any of their craft fairs, then you know their Swag Bag is a Big Deal! Such a big deal that the line-up starts 4 hours before the opening, just to be one of the first lucky 45 people through the door to receive one! Well folks, Andrea and Robert of Lotus Events (and Got Craft) have a little surprise! A giveaway just for our readers! The stipulation here though is that you have to be able to pick up the bag at the craft show on Sunday! So if you live in the lower mainland or will be going to the show this Sunday, then you can enter! Just leave a comment here and we will pick a random winner Saturday afternoon and announce here. Good Luck!
And not to miss, this craft show is one of the best of the season! The Got Craft Holiday Fair is happening this weekend, Sunday, December 5th, 2010 from 10:00am to 5:00pm at the Royal Canadian Legion 2205 Commercial Drive (@ E.6th Ave), Vancouver, BC. Click here for more info.
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ooh i thought it started later, this is good news for me! p.s. that swag bag looks delightful.
hot dang that's a whole lotta swag!
I'll be there on Sunday at the Spool of Thread table - come say hi!
Thanks for sharing
Suddenly jealous of those who live elsewhere!! (swag bag vicinity - elsewhere!)
I will be there! Looking forward to it. Lovely giveaway :)
Oh wow this looks amazing! I've been looking forward to the market this Sunday for awhile, I've never been! I hope I'm lucky :) Otherwise I'll have to make one myself, which could be costly haha.
Oooooh I'd love to be there. But as consolation I hope that I can win the swag bag.
Happy holidays
Oooo...Looking forward to checking out the fair again this year. The swag bag looks like it's full of goodies!
I am craving inspiration from the magical bag of crafty goodness. Commercial Drive is my hood and the more of these events we have out this way the better!
Wow! Huge fan but have never been so lucky as to get one of the gift bags. The peril's of having a 2 year old. No lining up for 4 hours for me. ;) I would LOVE to win.
omigosh, amazing!!! Pick me! Pick me! I can't believe all that talent fits into one swag bag!!
I love the Got Craft Fair, so much to buy!
ummm BOOOYAH!! I had plans to line up bright and early for one of those puppies but they were thwarted - would LOVE to win one! :D
I<3 got craft...buying local is the best!
I would LOVE to be able to sleep in on Sunday. :) Got Craft for the win!
I wanna spoil myself! Pick me!
Crossing fingers!
that looks like a bag full O fun!
love love love - this looks so great.
just a crazy giveaway!!!
lovely! looks like a bag full of advent calendar treats :)
so excited to see all the fun stuff on sunday
I'll be there on Sunday, and I'd love to win the awesome swag!
Ooh, I'm drooling over this ... Please drop my name in the virtual hat!
Great swag bag! I'll be there on Sunday
I think I am drooling over all those goddies~
Fingers crossed! I would love to win that swag bag! :)
So many fun goodies!
What a wonderful giveaway! Soooo muuccch stuff!
Lovely! Pick me!
Will definitely be there on Sunday. Was hoping to try to be one of the first 45, but WOW, 4 hours before the doors open?!? Don't think I'll be able to convince my kids that would be a fun activity.
Wish I could make it but Memphis is alittle to far! Great swag
ooh, i'm seeing a lot of stuff i would want in that swag bag!
thanks, and happy friday!
Holy cow. That's a lotta stuff! I love it!
See you Sunday!
Oh I'd love this!
I've gotten a swag bag twice now...but I think being there by 7am is a little too extreme for me now. Especially when you sit on the cold stairs for a couple hours!
crossing my fingers here!
oooh, i'm going to this on sunday! my first time, can't wait for it!
So so excited for the fair this weekend! Pick me for swag bag goodness please! (Pretty please?!)
ooo... I was wondering what sorts of things they put in the swag bag - looks awesome! I'd love to win :)
OOH! Wishing I could be in the Great North, but stuck here in the Great North-ern California instead. What an amazing bag of treasures!
I'm in Vancouver at the moment, and yes, I'd jump for joy to have such Pandora's bag for this holiday season! thanks for the giveaway
Gak! I never get in on the swag bag. I will be there with bells on (actual bells - i sewed them on this week). Hurray!
Everything looks AMAZING!
Pick me, please!
Looks awesome! Fingers & toes crossed - I've missed out at being one of the lucky early birds the past two shows by just a few people :0(
Hope I get picked!
Can't wait for Sunday. Please don't make me line up in the cold, early morning! :)
Wow! There are so many goodies!
So many great things!
yay I love local crafts!
Swag!! I am most definitely going to Got Craft and would love to get a swag bag without waking up at stupid-o-clock.
I just got home from the Winter Farmers Market & saw this contest. I'd love to go to Got Craft tomorrow. Hope I'm not to let to enter.
ahhhh pick me!
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