A Poppytalk Holiday Giveaway!

Today we are super-thrilled to launch a Holiday Giveaway on the blog! Since this spring Laura of Specimental Design has been focusing on creating a one-of-a-kind piece especially for Poppytalk as a giveaway for the holidays! Together we chose turquoise as the stone of choice for this giveaway, since it is the stone that represents the holiday month of December!

Laura built the ring around a massive nugget of stabilized Sleeping Beauty turquoise. The turquoise has a fantastic, organic shape, with plenty of interesting surface texture. The bezel is built of fine and sterling silver. The texture on the bezel was created by a long process of heating the metals to molten, manipulating them with a soldering pick, and then allowing them to cool before reheating them. The band is a wide 1/2", and is shown here with a hammered texture. Laura has chosen to oxidize the band to a deep black, in order to lend contrast to the bright blue of the turquoise. The value of this giveaway is appox. $200!

This ring is completely customizable. You can have it built to fit any finger, as she has not yet permanently set the turquoise into the bezel. If you prefer a thinner, 3/8" band, that is also a possibility. As well, you can choose any of the band textures you see here. Laura can also leave the band plain, un-oxidized silver if you wish. Click here and here on how to find your ring size online.

Leave a comment here (at this post) telling us "why you think you should win this ring?" Nice and simple. Nothing uncool like jumping hoops or having to follow anyone, anywhere! We will choose a winner (2 weeks from today) on December 1st! The deadline to enter the contest is November 30th at 9pm Pacific! Good luck!

Laura is a high school Art teacher, and mother to three little guys, aged three, five, and six. She is also a graduate of the Emily Carr Institute (now University) of Art and Design in Vancouver, with a major in Sculpture and a minor in Painting. Visit her shop here.

Jan Halvarson


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Lililila said...

Because it's beautifull and unique (like me;+)

Morgan said...

this ring is oh so lovely and would make the perfect Christmas present for my little sister to make her holidays a little bit brighter. it is perfect for her style and would help me to show my appreciation for how wonderful she is to me!

Pati N said...

why you think you should win this ring?..I should win it because it is GORGEOUS and I never win anything!

Sam said...

If I were to win this ring, I have the perfect friend to give it to!

Postcards From Somer said...

Because my loved ones usually think finding gifts for me is unpleasant and complicated, but this would make it nice and simple, I love it and I'll even wrap it myself :)

Into Vintage said...

Such a beautiful ring and I love turquoise!

Why I think I should win this ring: I have the misfortune of living with a little known affliction called Man* Hands. There is no known cure. Wearing this ring would beautify the man hand scenery in way I can only imagine. :-)

{*I am woman. Unless you ask my giant manhands.}

lovemyabbie@gmail.com said...

It's my birthday & anniversary this week and we can't do anything. this would be a nice treat!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this ring because I love everything about it! I love the texture and "chunkiness" of it! It's almost like a sculpture in and of itself, and I would love to wear a piece of art on my finger!

fouj said...

Being born on Christmas day means your birthday is often lost amongst all the holiday hype. Winning this ring might help beautify my holiday blues.

ana isabel said...

i would rock this ring all over vancouver! xo

Rae said...

My grandmother loved turquoise. She passed away about a year ago and whenever i see it it always reminds me of her. I would love to own a piece or jewelry with turquoise in it for that reason.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! This is so nice to offer this giveaway! Thanks, you guys and Laura!

I don't think I SHOULD win this ring. But I would LOVE to win this ring.

I feel a kindred connection with Laura! My mom was a high school art teacher for over 30 years, and I love supporting all of her adventures now that she is retired and an entrepreneur. My mom always wears turquoise, and I would love to give her this ring. She'd love it!

jacklyn said...

i think it's simply lovely and would love to win it.

Jan Halvarson said...

So many great responses already! I love reading them!

ejsroberts said...

I think the ring is absolutely beautiful! I love turquoise and really want the ring!

mandy said...

I love this! I should win it because it's beautiful and I would treasure it and wear it every day. Also, it reminds me of my grandmother, who loves turquoise and silver jewelry. :)

Wayside Violet said...

because I would wear it EVERY day! so pretty!!

beth c said...

despite absolutely loving this ring... i'd have to give it to my best friend. She's getting married next year and one of her colours is turquoise... so it'd be prefect for her!

dulcie said...

I would love love to win this wonderful ring! It reminds me of a family trip to Arizona when I was a kid. We saw a lot of great handmade things while we were there. I would think of all of our great memories together on that trip everytime I wore it. :)

arteriole said...

This ring has the rugged look of an adventurer! A ring that wants to circumvent the globe and be compared to the cerulean of tropical butterfly wings, to the ultramarine of deep glacier ice, to the cyan of bubbling hotsprings, and the palatinate blue of master painters. A ring that is ready to embark on an epic Odyssey, and merely needs the right finger....(which is mine!)

lori bunk said...

i have a friend that would be ADORABLE in this ring.... and she just had a baby after years of trying!!! what a perfect gift!


amyb said...

I have a slight ring obsession and yet somehow I don't have a single turquoise one.

Unknown said...

I love turquoise but never found a piece of jewelry that looked modern enough to fit into my style. This ring is so chic I could wear it everyday.

alexandra snyder said...

I should win because I love rings, turquoise, and unique pieces of jewelry....and that's exactly what this ring is! I adore it!

Nick said...

I would very much like to win this ring because it would make a unique, beautiful and artful gift for my unique, beautiful and artful wife :).

Kat said...

Because turquoise is my fav-o-rite color. Turquoise is like red but not quite.

Pascale said...

...because it would go really, REALLY, well with the new dress I just bought! No kidding! I'm keeping my fingers crossed...

Jessica Force said...

As a (close) to starving college student living in a small college town, I rarely get to splurge on nice things for myself. And by rarely, I mean...never. I have an extreme obsession with rings, and ESPECIALLY rings involving turquoise. Heaps and heaps of turquoise. I had never been to your blog before, and I stumbled upon it via Cup Of Joe, and man, seeing this post immediately upon clicking your link peeled my eyes open and I almost drooled. This ring is BEAUTIFUL...almost what I see as perfection. The thought of spending over $12 on a ring (cough...Forever 21...cough) almost makes me cringe, because of how little I have to spare on such items. Having this ring would definitely brighten my day whenever worn, and also make me feel special and that I am worth more than your occasional $12 ring. I absolutely love it!

Anonymous said...

Because I have the most awesome wife any man has ever had who loves me way more than I deserve and she would love this ring although being able to give it to her wouldn't even barely begin to tell her how much I love her and how much she means to me.

Simply Scraps said...

If I won this ring I would surprise my sister with it! She's the mother of three, which leaves her with little time for herself. This ring would make her day!

The Burling Family Blog said...

I would love to win this ring since we have been struggling to have a baby and finally we are now 17 weeks pregnant!! Since we are saving every penny for the baby it would be nice to have something special for me;)

Nicole said...

Because every time I would look down at the ring I would be reminded of my high school art teacher (whom I really liked). And my soon-to-be high school students (I am going to college for art education) would say "where did you find that pretty ring?" and I would say "it was made by another high school art teacher" and then they all will want to become high school art teachers to be cool like Laura and me. The end.

sarah nadine said...

If you're reading this Laura ... awesome work! What an organically chic piece that screams "ultra-modern antiquity"!! J'adore ... every detail of it.

Why I would like to win? To show off such creativity on my hand would be an honor ... it would make me a happy girl :)

Libby said...

Have you ever had that item in your collection that you reach for whenever you're about to do something cool? The item that's included in your reminiscences and seen in all of your pictures of past escapades? After sadly needing to retire such a piece recently, I have been searching for a partner to accompany me on future adventures. I think I just found it in this splendid ring.

Hayley said...

Ooooh! I should win this ring because it is called Sleeping Beauty turquiose and Sleeping "Booty" is my 2 1/2 year old daughter's favorite movie. And wearing a ring like this would make mommy look like a princess, right?

© 2008-2014 Megan Clinch said...

hmmm, i love raw stones like turquoise & would be grateful to win this ring b/c (i know it's not even warm weather but) this pregnancy my hands are swelling & will displace my wedding band soon. i would temporarily wear this ring on my wedding finger & later wear it on the other hand (when fingers return to normal, i presume).

laura said...

I am really enjoying reading all of the reasons that you would love my ring! Thanks for your kind words about my work. And, thanks to Jan and Early for hosting this great giveaway!

Best regards,

Specimental Design

Piso Piloto said...

Umm...I'm not sure about to reveal this secret, but this ring has told me thath it would love to spend a sunny holidays at Spain, because it wants to glow under the mediterranean light. So, I'm spanish and I can make true it's dreams!!!

Palmer and Co said...

So beautiful. So simple. So me.

jenna said...

Gorgeous. Turquoise is my very favorite stone - I like to wear a little piece of it everyday, to remind myself of the desert and the ocean at the same time.

Emily said...

i should win it because i had baby 3 weeks ago and mommy needs something nice!

Anonymous said...

I think I should win this ring because my family and I have had a very rough year and Christmas will probably be put on the backburner for lack of funds this year. Winning something as beautiful as this ring would certainly lift my spirits since I won't be able to buy myself something for quite a while.

Sarah said...

Love that ring! And that's the only reason I should win it -- because it rocks.

Lisa said...

When my husband and I were still dating, he gave me a beautiful piece of Bisbee turquoise that his dad had gotten when he worked in the Bisbee mine way back when. I wanted to get it set into jewelry, so I put it in my jewelry box for safe-keeping. I didn't get around to getting something designed and shortly after we got married our house was robbed. Among other things, the thief took everything out of my jewelry box, including that turquoise. I was totally heartbroken, particularly since the thieves hadn't found the box in which my husband had kept the turqoise before giving it to me. It's now been several years since our break-in and I still think about that lost piece of turquoise pretty often. I would love, love, love to have this beautiful piece to help fill the void.

Vanessa said...

I drew my sister in our family gift drawing this year. This ring totally reminds me of her: tough and enduring, yet colorful and feminine! I LOVE IT!

Tifani Lyn said...

Oh my, its beautiful! I would love to show it off at all my holiday parties to my friends and family! (I would probably never take it off actually, ha!)

Susannah said...

...because turquoise is my favorite stone (actually its a mineral, the science nerd in me had to say that); because turquoise looks so good with my red hair; because i simply adore this ring and can imagine it adorning my finger year round!

she said...

because i've been looking for a turquoise ring to grace my capable hands for a long time, and this one is beautiful. because the job i've been working for the past 7 years is ending on december 31st, and this would be a wonderfully courageous piece to wear into a new, uncertain season of life.

Blue Green Arts said...

Wow, now that is a prize I would LOVE to win! I love the Bohemian look of this ring, it is totally my style! If I win this ring, I would ROCK it... Literally! Also, I'm 5 months pregnant, and winning something like this would be such an amazing gift for myself in a time when everyone just thinks about giving gifts to the little girl in my belly :)

Stephanie R. said...

oh my gosh, i love this ring! turquoise is the stone of spiritual rebirth, and i am totally there right now. there are so many big crossroads coming up... it would be nice to face them with a gorgeous ring on my finger!

thank you for making such beautiful pieces laura, and double thank you for the giveaway. i am now such a fan!

Vintage Gypsy said...

Who doesn't think they should win the ring! Its band is stunning just itself...anyone would be honored to wear such a stunning piece! Good luck to everyone...

marcie said...

What a beautiful piece! I need to win this because I have a December birthday and turquoise is my birthstone.

The Youngest Senior - said...

I was just searching online looking for the perfect ring. I think this is it!

Mel said...

... because I just discovered that turquoise looks great on me - I just bought a turquoise wool sweater and a turquoise hair pin - how perfect that ring would match!

Jenny said...

Please can I be the one to win this gorgeous ring because it has it's own fairytale story and despite being technically grown up I still believe in fairytales! I always wanted to write poetry and draw and since there didn't seem to be a real life career in that available I've been writing my own business fairytale (A Little Ink)instead. Hopefully it has a happy ending!

Fairytales don't pay very well though and so there's never a chance to own a piece of jewellery art like this...aside from the tiny hope that I win my own Sleeping Beauty from you!

Thank you so much. Beautiful work and lovely competition!

Kelly said...

Think it'd be perfect for my 21 yr old daughter. I'll hope that's good enough reason and cross my fingers.
kellywcox at hotmail dot com

Leia Brown said...

I would love to have this ring to mark a new chapter in my life. The past couple of years have been difficult due to illness. This ring would be a beautiful reminder of what I've been through and the hope of what lies ahead :)

Genevieve said...

I would love to win this beautiful ring beacause I do not own any rings and I think it would be perfect for a first ring.

Brittan said...

I would love to win this giveaway because I want to give it as a gift to my friend who is a single mom raising her amazing 7 year old and can't find a job right now so she can't get things like this for herself. good luck everyone!

Unknown said...

I should win this gorgeous ring because I truly appreciate the work and soul that goes into creating something beautiful. I would appreciate the ring.

Unknown said...

I grew up admiring all the chunky rings my grandmother always wore. She was over 6' tall and had the same long fingers that I have. I should win so I can rock a big ring like she did!

Lisa @ all things * jane said...

Why should I win this ring? Because I would love it. It would live an easy life on my finger and would match my new eyeglasses perfectly. I would stare at it, appreciating its character and craftmanship, and proudly promote the shop it came from when it garners compliments.

ohdearwatson said...

I think that ring is awesome... and I love awesome stuff... Oh pretty please - I want to win.


Unknown said...

first of all, this is one of the most beautiful and amazing giveaways I have ever seen.

I would love to win this ring, I have never won anything in my life, and I think this would make for a perfect addiction to my special collection of big rocks.


JenniferU said...

Because it's beautiful and I never win anything!

red.neck chic said...

I don't even KNOW why I should win this ring because I can't THINK of any good things to say right now...
I'm DROOLING over the ring!!!

That is just breathtaking!!!

Please let me win before I turn blue from loss of breath caused by gorgeous ring...

;-D robelyn

p.s. seriously - the girl is mega-talented!!!

annika said...

I should win this ring because I am a superhero that uses the power of turquoise to take out dastardly villains that threaten the spirit of Christmas.


S said...

because i'm really broke this year and that you'll be the perfect gift for my sister !

Joyce said...

because lately being a SAHM is making me feel frumpy and old...and that ring is the exact opposite of frumpy and old! it'll be my little reminder that i can still be funky!

karey m. said...

i probably shouldn't win.

and that's what pains me.

it's stunning. just stunning.

Andrea @ little buckles said...

I should win this because I will wear it everywhere and when friends and onlookers comment on how stunning it is, I shall point them towards this shop!

Andrée Lachapelle said...

I think I should win this ring because I have very little jewelry. Not because I don't like to wear it, but because I choose what I wear very carefully. I like jewelry that is precious without being prissy. Pieces that are original, well-designed and unique. And jewelry that piques interest and sparks conversation. Like this ring.

katri said...

I go to Santa Fe every couple of years, and I am always so enamored with the navajo turquoise jewelry. Every year I look and dream about one day buying a piece (with good reason, they are not cheap!) Turquoise is my favorite stone, and the chunk in this ring is just amazing. The ring itself is beautiful, with incredible textures in the metal that sort of mimic the stone.

I am a movement artist (performance/dance/butoh), but I have often thought that if I had chosen another artform it might have been jewelry making. How we choose to adorn our bodies is one of the strongest forms of self expression. I can imagine wearing this ring with simple black clothing to really highlight its striking beauty.....

I cannot say that I am more "deserving" of this ring any more than anyone else.....but I can say that I would truly appreciate it for the work of art that it is.

Mandy Behrens said...

If I was lucky enough to win this stunning ring, I'd give it to my sister who is a cancer survivor. It would look so beautiful on her hand. Thank you for this great opportunity. Cheers.

Miranda said...

I should win b/c this ring reminds me of New Mexico where I went when I was pregnant with my first little one - love the texture and mixed metals!

Anonymous said...

I think I deserve this incredible ring because the winner is announced the day before my birthday and it would be the best birthday gift ever! I am celebrating my birthday six hours away from home, so I can't imagine I would be receiving many gifts this year. I will keep my fingers crossed for something amazing to happen!

Thanks for the giveaway contest! :)


Jana said...

well, i think we all should win this! but because not everybody can...here is why i would love it.

i love turquoise and always will. growing up, my dad mined, polished, drilled and created his own turquoise jewelry. one of the necklaces he gave me for a birthday is a most prized possession.

beautiful work!

Shannon of HAPPINESS IS said...

Ahh, I'm such a lover of statement rings... especially turquoise ones! I think I should win because as much as I want to have it for myself, I want to give it to my mother, who never buys herself anything pretty, never treats herself to anything special, and she deserves beauty on her finger because she birthed me :) xo

Alice Durose said...

I dont particularly think I should win this at all ... I have done nothing to deserve it. I just wanted to comment saying how gorgeous and free it is. It looks so natural and delicate. I feel like its from some far off land or mystery and wonder, Well done, great work! Alice x

Amanda said...

I should win this ring because it is earthy, rustic, organic, beautiful and unique...just like me!

summer said...

As soon as I saw this ring pop up in my feed I knew I had to have it... until I saw the price tag *teehee. Don't get me wrong, it's worth every penny but I have to be as thrifty as possible living on an artist's budget! But if fate decides that it's time for this girl to finally start her very own precious jewelry collection- this would be her most prized piece of all!

Summer said...

Oh, this ring reminds me of growing up in the southwest! And, I don't wear gold...and it's substantial...and beautiful!

Alyssa B said...

I'd love this ring for the sole reason that it reminds me of my grandmother. Wearing this ring on my finger would always remind me of the wonderful memories of her.

The Queens Table said...

"Yea! Presents!," Sayz the Christmas Baby.

Michelle said...

I would love this ring. Rings are my favorite piece of jewelry and this one is unique and absolutely stunning!

lost in aus said...

i'm a former vancouverite now lost in Queensland Australia and longing for my toes to touch BC soil again. i also attended ECCAD [before it became an institute] majoring in painting ang minoring in sculpture. after school, followed a self taught career in beadwork jewellery focusing on weaving. i have since joined the ranks of aged eye deteriation and having 2 kids under 6 means beadwork is no longer my focus. i would so truely enjoy having this ring come travel the seas and in joining me inspire the old creative juices i feel stirring inside everytime i view poppytalks site

baylorthesaylor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Julie said...

What a terrific piece of jewelry! I'm always looking for unique accessories. I tend to not buy jewelry very often--I'd much rather wait until I find something that's truly one of a kind and suits my personality. This ring is both those things!

Unknown said...

Simply because it's mine. You see, it slipped off my finger when the rain last fell. Only then it was merely a seed. I searched and searched and could not seem find it anywhere. But now, in all of it's bright and natural blossomed splendor it appears. And it also appears to want to slip back onto the finger of the person that has made for it.

Christina said...

I should win this because I adore it!! And I absolutely love turquoise and I just know it will make me happier person.

Hanna said...

Pretty ring! I love jewelry...

Serena said...

I wish I could say that I would give this ring to someone as a gift if I received it... but I can't! :) This ring is gorgeous! I love the design and the stone. I would feel like a million bucks wearing it, thanks for the opportunity!

Erin Poettcker said...

I love turquoise and have been feeling lately like I need a little holiday finery to dress up my look- this gorgeous ring would be perfect. I am a Vancouver high school teacher too, and I am impressed that Laura has the energy and creativity to make such beautiful jewelry! Well done.

Lora said...

I rarely benefit from the luck of the draw, but it would make my day to receive such a raw and beautifully crafted piece. Thank you for the opportunity.

Sharon said...

Because I love this ring, my birthday is December 12th, and I've never had a substantial piece of jewelry with my birthstone before. I think I got a synthetic zircon as a little girl but that doesn't count. This would make my birthday so special!

Jessie said...

I would loooove to win this ring if only to reap the benefits of staring at it all day and the endless compliments I'd get :) I think I should win it because I had a turquoise ring once that I never took off - kind of raw looking like this one - and I lost it in a rafting accident! I've never found anything like it since.
Thank you!

Willa said...

Well, it has been a hard year.......nevertheless, I am not sure I should win. But I would certainly enjoy winning and proudly wear this creative expression!

Hello, I'm Emily Clare. said...

love turquoise. i don't usually accessorize much so this ring would be perfect for my style since it's a statement in itself.

mia said...

I would love to win this ring since I am the Queen of all things Turquoise! And I live in Vancouver!

Erin said...

I would love love love to have this ring to give to my mom because she never buys anything for herself, even though she is the best mom and deserves the world! And turquoise is her absolute favourite colour!

Athena said...

My favorite piece of jewelry is a ring that my mother gave me from her time on the road in the 70's. It is a beautiful vintage silver ring with a large hexagonal turquoise piece in the center. I have always wanted to buy her a turquoise and silver ring as a thank you and as a symbol of the amazing friendship I share with her but I haven't been able to afford it. This would be perfect! Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

Because I love turquoise!

Leanne said...

This ring is gorgeous! I love the hammered base! I would love to win this as I have not indulged and added any jewelry to my collection in a few years :)

Amelia L. said...

I should win because my fingers are getting bored!

e. said...

Because I am an avid turquoise ring collector and yet, none of my rings looks likes this. This is entirely gorgeous and unique and I would cherish it

Stephanie said...

Because I collect rings, whenever I travel, rings are my treasure of choice. This could be my piece from Canada (I'll visit later :) ).

Beautiful work!

katy long said...

I am a new mom to the sweetest little boy...but having trouble finding time to make myself pretty again. Help me!

NJStacie said...

WOW! What a beautiful ring. I'd love to wear it to be able to tell everyone about it and the designer, and promote handcrafts as holiday gifts and in daily life!

Peter said...

simply because it 'rocks'!

Anonymous said...

this sistah needs to rock this during the holidays simply for the attn it'll grab!!


Unknown said...

Because I've been looking for a ring like this my whole life- wow!

kait said...

why i should win this ring... [i feel like i'm writing an essay in 2nd grade!]
i actually have a history with turquoise rings. growing up, my family would spend a week every summer at my grandparents' house in far North Wisconsin. And every year, I would buy a beautiful turquoise ring with the money I had saved up. Then, without exception, I would lose the ring in the next couple months. So I always had to keep buying turquoise rings! This went on for about 5 years until I finally realized I was not yet responsible enough for a ring, and I began buying fudge with my money instead.
Well now I'm all grown up and still in love with turquoise rings... yet have no ring upon my finger! This particular ring would be absolutely perfect, and would always bring back fond memories of my childhood and family vacations :)

Kristen said...

Turquoise is the birthstone for those born in the month of December. My grandmother (who collects unique rings) has a birthday in December. Coincidence? I think not!

Jess said...

My favorite color is turquoise and I have never won anything before!

Proximity said...

I would like to have this ring because it reminds me of my homeland. I live in the Bahamas in the capital Nassau and I am from another island about 2 hours away. The gorgeous blue hues of the ring remind me of the clear blue waters with a hint of green and the raw texture reminds me of the limestone rock formations found all over the island. I am only able to visit my family and friends there once a year so a beautiful reminder I can wear all the time would be an amazing blessing.

Margaret said...

Because if you choose me, I'll send you flowers and chocolate! ;) Ha ha ha!

This may seem crazy, but I don't own a single ring! I think it's the perfect time to start, don't you?

Thanks for the chance to win, and I wish Laura continued success!

brooke gibson said...

Size six, please, for this December birthday girl. :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to have this pieve. i don't own much jewlry, for lack of money, but i'd really cherish this ring and probably wear it everyday, its completely beautiful. thank you for this chance!


Corynne said...

Growing up my grandmother owned a jewelry store, and I would play with the jewelry for hours. I adopted her love of antique stores, painting, sewing, and mason jars. She is retired now, and I think she would love this beautiful ring for her birthday this November. I love this ring and I know she will too. I would appreciate the opportunity to give her this beautiful piece of art.

Cat said...

Humm . . . because I am awesome!! Just kidding. Actually, you should let me win this ring because it would be the prefect gift for my sister in law. It is amazing and she would just love it (although, I might have to borrow it too!)

Anonymous said...

should...should? Dont think I necessarily should win it for any reason in particular. Its a stunning ring, it would brighten up an extended period away from family and friends but neither a reason that I should win it! All the same, I really would love to :)

Alyssa Duhe said...

Because I want people to use this pickup line on me when I wear this ring, "I don't know if it's igneous or metamorphic, but baby, you rock." Then I will know they are a keeper.

nikki said...

My first jewelry purchase ever was a pair of turquoise posts. (No, they weren't from Claire's.) I loved my little Zuni earrings, but I think I would love that ring even more!

Se said...

Because this ring has the power, dont'you know???

I really hope I could have it!
It's beautiful, original, unexpected and really sexy.


Hashma Azhar said...


An said...

The first ring I got from my hubby, was a silver ring with a similar "unfinished" and rough look, with a beautiful little red stone (can't remember wich one thoug). Unfortunately, it was stolen when our car was stolen in the south of France (long story, don't ask!). This would be a great reminder of that special rind (and I am more into the blues than the reds anyway, nowadays :))

niarcane said...

this ring is worth having.....

Because wearing it would feel part of nature. The turquoise stone has not been polished or shaped, which make it feel like its growing on the ring.it feels raw nature.
the texture of the silver covering has not been polished to look perfect but has been moulded to give importance to the stone. and the ring metal has been thought and textured evenly too and not kept plain.Keeping it plain would have given it look of any other ring. but instead its thought and made as a part of stone and covering and part of natural look.

Unknown said...

*gasps* Ooh, I have had Laura's shop in my favourites for months now! Such a nice give away ;)

Not too long ago, I'd look at this post and think, "I'd never win that, anyway" and carry on. But I just read a fantastic blogpost about how you shouldn't write yourself off without ever even trying to accomplish what you want. So...

I want this ring as it is a rock I can hold on to.

(and the blogpost was at Tea & Cookies...)

Andrea @ That'll Do Farm said...

I am so not a jewelry person because everything I see is same old, same old. Sedate. Boring. Ho-hum. But this piece is screaming my name! It's not the least bit fluffy or delicate. I'm pretty sure it "gets" me.

sarnitsa said...

because I'm a little magpie and we love to collect beautiful shiny treasures

Lauren said...

What I find so amazing about this ring is the different levels of the turquoise. This reminds me of my passion of dance. How one learns in levels but also performs in levels. Sometimes a dancer needs to be as light as a feather and jump as high as they can. On other performances it needs to be slinky and low to the floor. This ring would remind me of why I love dance, It shows character, quality, and each time you look at it there is a new discovery to be made.

Portia said...

I love turquoise.
My first ring as a little girl was a turquoise shaped heart. After that I replaced my real birth stone with turquoise. Something about it makes me feel me. Makes me feel apart of the earth, I know that sounds weird, but turquoise has always had a special place in my heart. I hope I win!

in a drawing room said...

It marvelously matches the colour of my one of my hopes.

joolee said...

...because as a mother of three as well, i need some unique little accessories to perk up my outfits! (as i'm sure laura knows...) :) fabulous ring!!

Brigid said...

i will proudly wear this lovely ring on many occasions..take it for nice walks, evenings on the town and give it a warm caring home that it so greatly deserves!

Michelle said...

oh my gosh, I would love to win this as a present to MYSELF this Christmas! It has been a tough year for my bf and I, so we agreed no gift for each other this year. It would be a nice surprise to win. :o)

Cheryl said...

I would love to win this ring because it's just one of those rare pieces that make you feel beautiful, carefree, lovely, and absolutely amazing when you put it on. And everyone needs a few more moments like that :-)

LAH said...

Hmmm, why should I win? Why not? I'm a good person. I'm kind to animals and the elderly. And I love pretty things!

dirtandhoney said...

I believe that I should win this ring because the day after you choose a winner, I celebrate my 21st birthday!
Thank you for an awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I should have this ring because it "rocks" - and so do I.

Ms. Robinson said...

this ring is truely breathtaking. As i don't think i'm any more deserving than anyone else to get this ring. i will tell you the only way i would ever be able to afford this ring is by winning this giveaway. i'm a single more of 2 teenage daughters and all my time and money goes to taking care of them. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE.

Floseph said...

Because it would make my day!

granitegirl08 said...

It's going to sound a bit much, but a wee prezzie would make my day. i've just had some bad news and will be going in for surgery on my birthday. my birthday is in december. my birthstone is turqouise...a little blue would brighten m birthday. I propose a trade; a beautiful lump of turquoise for one of my bumps.

SusanS said...

My lovely & talented daughter is in her senior year at Savannah College of Art & Design. (Translation: paying for college has us nearly broke.) She loves turquoise & would likely faint if this were in her Christmas stocking. You listening Santa?

Tara said...

because it is beautiful...and the turquoise is a nod to my indian heritage.

Unknown said...

being a travel writer in budapest just doesn't pay enough to buy this kind of blue-coloured bling

Endy said...

ring is a beautiful, unique, would be a real joy to have under the Christmas tree

Kari P said...

...because I would wear it everyday and be the envy of my friends and coworkers and then I would tell them how I won it on poppytalk and who the rad designer is and then they'd want one too, but I'd be the first! That's right the first! HA!

Unknown said...

Would be a perfect present to myself to mark the end of a very trying year!

caroline said...

This ring would be perfect for... ME! I always loved beautiful jewelry pieces, but I don't know what it is that kind of scares me from wearing it. Maybe it's because I always wore simpler jewelries, but now as the new year draws on us, I am going to make an effort to wear things I like and not be afraid. I mean c'mon, who's afraid of a ring? And this one is beautiful. Love the color, and for some reason it reminds me of childhood.

Karen Minton, Studio Blog said...

I'm hoping for a change in my contest winning luck! This ring is jaw droppingly gorgeous!

Unknown said...

I don't know if I "should" win, but if I do win I will share with my best friend across the country in NY. We wore matching friendship bracelets we got in our travels for years. Now we're swapping really big rings. This one is beautiful. And reminds me of surreal cauliflower.

séverine said...

why i should win this fabulous ring? justement parce qu'elle est fabuleuse, nébuleuse, turquoise (ma pierre porte-bonheur) et parce que je trouve que laura a une manière d'utiliser et de sublimer les pierres unique! et celle-ci est bien plus qu'un bijou à mes yeux, ses différents marériaux utilisés forment un ensemble qui,je trouve, me ressemble pas mal, surtout le côté hirsute! why should i win it? because i love it, really love it! (sorry if i write in french, my english is really too poor...!) et bravo à laura pour sa créativité!

Stephanie said...

I am a single mother with a low paying job and I'm not able to afford nice things like this for myself. Winning this would be awesome!

Jen said...

I think I should win this giveaway for two reasons.
1) I am terribly unlucky, and never win anything.
2) I am an art teacher with no chunky or ethnic jewelry! I might get fired if I don't meet this job description. :P

sarah h said...

This ring is just WOW! And made for me. that's why i should win!

Lynn said...

just because I would be so thrilled! It is absolutely exquisite. Good luck to all of us!

Stacey Hill said...

Beautiful ring - it would be a thrill to win it. I just had my third baby and it might be the only part of my wardrobe that would actually fit me properly ;)

alison said...

oh my! It is gorgeous!

If I was to win this ring, I would give it to my friend who is currently going through the panic of preparing for her PhD candidacy exam, and had to re-book her flight home for the holidays (at her own expense (poor, starving student)) to take that exam, while also trying to finish her thesis in record time since her funding was unexpectedly terminated a good 6+ months early.

Unknown said...

This ring is so unique and beautiful, I would wear it often..stunning!

Mags said...

I need this ring. I work at a high end fashion store and...well I cannot afford anything in there but I love to look amazing still. This ring is stunning!!

Elisse said...

Because my best friend, and soon to be boyfriend, is visiting me in Korea in one month and then we are going on an adventure. I think this ring really wants to go on an adventure with us.

Brandi said...

cause it makes me all happy inside!! all that delicious hammered metal and gorgeous turquoise color .. delicious for they eyes

Marilyn said...

I should win because this ring is beautiful and I would wear the heck out of it!

j dot marilyn dot evans at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Turquoise and silver has always been sacred to the Native Americans. New art designs for Old traditions is important. I would like to share it with Native American artists to continue promoting a blend of the new and old.

Erica said...

If I were to win this ring, impressively made by the unstoppable ms. specimental, I would cherish the amazing organic detailing - until this May, when all of my material possessions are going to be auctioned off for charity:water (www.charitywater.org). All proceeds from the auctioning of this ring would go towards proliferation of clean safe water in Africa.

If I won it, though godspeed to the destined winner!

Anonymous said...

....because Laura is an amazing artist and I am her number #1 fan from the land down under!

Ngaire Bartlam said...

Oh sweet Buddha how I would LOVE this ring.. it is organic, and beautiful and unique. and so am I! :)

Nerys Kate Williams said...

It's beautiful, I would love to win this ring so all of my art students would be jealous and inspired to create more creative works of art :)

etolie said...

i think it would be a great gift for me...ilove the design very special...Thanks for the chance to win...Brightest blessings to you and yours...e*

Anonymous said...

My mom's having a pretty bad year and I would LOOOOVE to give this to her!! see I'm a student and she pays for everything I need so it would be fantastic to surprise her with this gift..


shelby h.k. said...

I would love to win this ring because it reminds me of going to random fossil and gem hole-in-the-wall, side-of-the-road shops in Florida with my dad, back when I was quite small and we used to collect them. I always loved finding the broken scraps of gems that were oddly shaped because I thought it made them more precious.

Thanks for the giveaway,


Katie Varney said...

It's raw, edgy, quarky and elegant. It completely suits my best friend's style. She has been struggling through some serious "stuff" right now and seriously needs just a little break, one little glimmer of hope amongst all the bad stuff that seems to be following her around. While I don't need to win this ring - I honestly believe that she does!

Unknown said...

I think I should win this ring because 1)I just found my other lucky mitten today (yay!) 2)it will be my engagement ring if it comes into my posession. We've been searching and searching for something special and strikingly beautiful. This is it.

Leigh said...

Because it's turquoise and that's my favorite gemstone. It's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

With this ring I can replace the turquoise ring I bought on a Navajo reservation in Arizona. It was stunning piece of turquoise set into a silver ring, much like this. The perfect replacement... and I promise I won't lose this one!



Rebecca said...

why I should win this ring?

I had a turquoise ring similar in scale to this, that was my grandfathers (strangely enough). It got stolen/lost. :(

It would be nice to have something turquoise again as my strength and protection that is so lovely as this. :)

M A Newcomer said...

Turquoise represents love, luck, protection and healing. I would wear this beautiful ring for all those reasons and wear it with honor.

Melissa de la Fuente said...

Okay, this is GORGEOUS! but, I am not commenting for myself, I am commenting for my friend Karey ( mackin ink), I think SHE should win it! :) Why? Cause she is hilarious, warm, gorgeous, a mom to 3 girls and she ADORES Turquoise. She and this ring were made for each other. :)

anna said...

I would like to win this ring because our house is full of kids (adopted siblings 5 and 7, plus our 3 year old and 6 month twins). I haven't had any sleep in months, and at least I would have something pretty to look at while rocking babies!

carolbarclay.etsy.com said...

Oh, I'd really enjoy the graceful, yet strong, ring because I am both as well. Tho lately I have had a few problems with my joints and have to remind myself that I AM strong even when I can't move the way that I used to.
But in all honesty, as I read the comments above, there are many other women who really need and DESERVE such a beautiful treasure!
Thank you for such a lovely offer.

Melissa said...

Well, that's a pretty amazing ring! And I'm from the artist's hometown so I would be very happily flaunting a locally made treasure.

Unknown said...

because i love it.

Margie Oomen said...

because i love rocks and minerals since i was a old enough to walk and gather them in my pockets
and because turquoise given to someone protects them from harm and gives them strength. I could really use that.

Daisy said...

I'm getting married next year and need something blue to wear! (Or turqouise...)

Mindy said...

Well, it would look fabulous on my finger! And then, people would notice it. And then, I could tell them all about Laura and her wares. And then Laura could become rich off of me. Can't go wrong! I love it!

happybetsy said...

I love to sing the praises of independent designers. I would wear the ring with pride and enthusiasm to well represent the maker's great talent.

jrlinklater said...

because i finally stopped biting my nails and this ring would be perfect to show off my new lovely hands! (ps. i'm 26 and have been biting my nails for as long as i can remember!)

Erin said...

Is it greedy to want this ring for myself during this season of giving? I too am a teacher, though I teach grade 8 language arts and social studies. I never get to buy anything as nice as this for myself because a teacher's salary doesn't go so far. I would love to be able to have something this beautiful myself.

jeanne said...

oh how that ring would make my chubby little finger look! i love it!!

trash talk said...

A. I love big honkin' jewelry
B. My mantra is "Don't Jazzerize...Accessorize!"
C. It is breathtaking!
Anyone of the feminine persuasion would be thrilled to find that under her tree.

Betty Anne said...

Well, I should win because I AM an art teacher in a high school. The ring would remind me of many things. Some of these things would be to grateful, to be kind and to explore those places that art takes you (with students and without)!

Robyn said...

I'd love to win this ring simply because teal is my absolute favorite color and I'm completely addicted! I would wear it every day. :) It's beautiful!!

Lynn said...

I would love to wear this ring and I have beautiful fingers.
I should win it because I just turned 40.

Becca said...

LOVE! I think I should win because I LOVE LOVE LOVE that ring! I am also a red-head.

Emily said...

This would be a great piece to wear to my senior exhibition

Claire said...

So I can give it to my boyfriend as an engagement ring!

Sarah M. said...

I think I should win this ring because it has made me question my unwavering passion in being a Peace & Global Studies major and made me ask why I am not a Metals and Geology double major like my friend Zoe!

actually, all of Laura's etsy has.

crsmith said...

I would love to win this ring as a "push" present to my self, because when I asked my hubby where such present was after 27 hours in labor, he just stared blankly, having never heard of such!!

Donna said...

your ring is so unique and beautiful, reminds me of Arizona where I grew up

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