Fresh From the Oven: Nicole Lavelle

Contributor post by Will Bryant

While in Portland I was able to finally meet the one and only Nicole Lavelle in person! We shared several wonderful conversations, went on a snowy mountain adventure with Kate and Clifton, and she was a tremendous help in the production of my solo exhibition. Nicole is the queen of lovely and like always has been up to intriguing things. (She once attempted to walk from Germany to France with a grouped friends!). Here's a peek at some things Miss Lavelle has been up to in Portland!

More from Nicole:
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Jan Halvarson


greenbeenfood said...

nicole is simply different & very cool!!

Sabine, La Marquise des anges said...

sounds like you had a wonderful time together !! merci for introducing us to NICOLE !!!

and by the way ... walking from France to germany attempt ??

