Kate Spade Pop Up Shop: London

Will from Bright Bazaar has posted on the new Kate Spade Pop Up Shop in London he recently visited. And a must-read it is, as he makes you feel like you were almost there with him. Loving the yellow blocks of colour that were popping up everywhere, the chesterfield, and well, go see for yourself, you won't be disappointed! (Photo & mash-up credits: Mr. Bazaar).

Jan Halvarson


Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

it's beautiful, they have done an incredible job!

Will @ Bright.Bazaar said...

Thanks so much for linking up to me, Jan! I'm glad you enjoyed it, I was so excited to be inside it for real - it's like my IDEAL apartment!

My Owl Barn said...

It's gorgeous! Thank you Mr.Bazaar :)

Jan Halvarson said...

Totally Will, I'd love to live there!

Unknown said...

Wow, how fun does that look? Love that entry!

JWK said...


Unknown said...

i want to live here!