Homemade Pizza Pockets

By Jeannette Ordas of Everybody likes Sandwiches

We make pizza quite often and we don't get tired out it. There's always new ingredients and new combinations to try. And it's easy since I've got my easy pizza dough recipe in my back pocket.

But a few weeks ago, I decided to try something different. I have super fond childhood memories of my dad bringing home panzarotti from the neighbourhood Italian take-out place. What's panzarotti, you ask? Well, it's the stuff dreams are made of. Deep fried pizza, basically. It's like a calzone – an inside out pizza or pizza turnover – but totally evil and super delicious. Very popular in the city I grew up in but not popular at all here in Vancouver. A crying shame, really.

While I liked the idea of a panzarotti, I'm not going to do any deep frying in my house, so making a calzone was the next best option. And it was relatively simple to do. You can use store bought pizza dough for this or you can fill your calzone with whatever toppings you desire. I'm still in a bit of a zucchini glut, so I used sauteed zucchini and onion, but I'm sure mushrooms, olives, ham, pineapple or peppers would be fantastic.

Onion & Zucchini Calzones
pizza dough, risen (store-bought or homemade)
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 onion, sliced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 small zucchini, sliced
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon hot chili flakes
salt & pepper
2 cups mozzarella cheese, shredded
1 cup marinara sauce

Preheat oven to 425F. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat and add in garlic and onion. Stir about until wilted and slightly caramelized. Add in zucchini, oregano, chili and a sprinkle of salt and a good grind of pepper. Saute until the zucchini wilts slightly. Set aside.

Tear pizza dough into 4 equal lumps. Use a rolling pin to roll one ball into a circle. Use a spoon to add in a quarter of the tomato sauce, top with a quarter of the vegetable filling and then top with a quarter of the cheese. Leave about a 1 inch or more border around the edge.

Fold dough in half to form a semi circle and pinch and roll the edges so that the edges, forming a "rope" until the edges are sealed. Transfer to a lightly oiled baking sheet. Repeat with the remain 3 calzones.

Bake until calzones get golden brown and puffy, about 15 minutes. Serve with extra warmed up marinara sauce.

Jan Halvarson

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kristin said...

yum! looks delicious + kid friendly - will give it a whirl!

Plantress said...

goodness this looks super delic. Thanks for the idea

Courtney Dirks said...

I make calzones all the time, so delicious and easy to throw together. Trader Joe's has great pizza dough to start from if you don't feel like making your own dough!

Jo Archer said...

These look lovely. At first I thought they were Cornish pasties, which is meat and vegetables in pastry shaped like this.

The miners used to take them for their lunch and quite often their wives would bake them with meat on one side and a fruit filling on the other, (with pastry in-between).

Sarah said...

Mmm. Delicious!

Tricia said...

Um, yum. Yes please!

RSA Certificate said...

Gosh, and here I was going to have a normal pizza :) not anymore!

Joanne said...

Oh yes indeed! I too have fond teenage memories of going to the mall with my friends for lunch and ordering a panzerotti. Panzerotti might be an Ontario food product , not sure, but I've also seen it advertised as a calzone in finer dining Italian restos, perhaps they are the same? This looks awesome and exactly what I have been craving lately.

Pinecone Camp said...

Well, that does sound crazy good. I wouldn't do any deep frying around our house either, but I'll happily bake one of those. Yum!

Jacaranda Designs Jewelry said...

those look so yummy - definitely have to make some.

elissa, ebb & flow said...

these look delish. can't wait to give them a try. congrats on bringing a new tradition to vancouver!

Anonymous said...

oh hey... the memory of our mutual friend bringing home panzerottis on a plane just came back! do you remember that? she brought a bunch back and threw a party!

MJ said...

Thanks for the idea! I made calzones tonight using your pizza dough recipe. I just whipped up a quick tomato sauce and added some mozzarella. It was delicious!

my name is ish said...

My kids flip for calzones - they are one of the few foods they demand and devour. I also use ricotta cheese inside and depending on what else is in there, lemon zest and nutmeg (we don't dip in marinara sauce at home, but I love to when I order calzones at restaurants). My recipe here, if anyone's interested:


Unknown said...

Looks so yummy! Very good idea! As I'm a small-tiny-appartment-and-tiny-budget student I'll have to try this receipe :-D

Paulette @ At Home in Arkansas said...

Hot pockets remind me of high school. The first thing I did when I got home from school was throw one in the microwave! The idea of a homemade version makes them seem more acceptable now that I'm an adult living on my own. Can't wait to try the recipe!

"C" said...

this sounds delish! I love the homemade part especially!!!! Thanks for sharing I look forward to more recipes for inspiration,