Poppytalk Giveaway! Fine Art Polaroid Prints

We love this series of fine art prints by Andrea Jenkins of Hula Seventy. So much so we have purchased three to give away here on the blog this week! They are prints of original polaroid photographs, taken with a vintage SX70 polaroid camera. You can click here to read more about how and why Andrea created the series and here to see more of her work.

To enter the giveaway, please leave a comment here (at this post) answering the following:

No. 1: What you dreamed of becoming as a child?
No. 2: What do you dream of now?

We will pick the best answer (or what we think is the best answer) Friday morning. The contest will run through to Thursday, June 3rd at 9pm (Pacific). Good luck everyone!

Jan Halvarson


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Sally Tinker Smith said...

1. I wanted to be a cartoonist.

2. I'm now open to all art forms: gardening, singing, writing, drawing and knitting too. I have the most fun when I'm living simply and reusing things!

carol said...

as a child i dreamt of being a nurse in a long flowing white pini just like florence nightingale - carrying my lamp, doing my rounds as i cared for the sick. i am a nurse but no longer wear that starched pini - and care for sick little ones - there is no lamp in sight but lots of hope for their futures.

what do i dream now? for a world where greed doesn't exist... so that they will have a future..

Unknown said...

as a child i dreamed of becoming a prolific writer. my parents and their friends believed in me and showered me with books on writing and editing. too many of them to count. this started at about 11. looking back i was a prolific writer. i was my dream but was also unaware. now i want to be a missionary. to travel the world on humanitarian assignment not just bringing water or food or shoes or medical supplies but also bringing love and hope to people who dont even know what those words mean. and the struggle towards getting there is hard. its moving into your friends guest room. its quiting your great job. its being penniless all for the sake of others. my heart skips a beat. love.

Anonymous said...

I know I missed the contest, but I felt like talking:

1. As a child I dreamed of, among other things, being a writer (and a veterinarian, and a teacher, and a movie star, and an artist...)

2. Now, I dream of having any job I can put my heart and energy into, and that pays :)

gem said...

As a little girl, I wanted to be Santa Claus.

Now, I just want to be happy in my own skin - but I still love to give presents to people and sing carols.

woof nanny said...

Oh soooo bummed I missed this. I heart girl hula

HowtoBEaCOOLoldLady said...

oh. I missed it too! never mind. I am still dreaming!

HowtoBEaCOOLoldLady said...

as a child I dreamt of being able to fly

now I am dreaming of going to Brazil to buy a camper van and drive it back through the americas.

alisa said...

No. 1: What you dreamed of becoming as a child?
A pianist.

No. 2: What do you dream of now?
being happy

Tony Yarbray said...

1. Flying
2. Kissing

say I think we were pals back in the early days of bloggings of yesteryear we were fan of each others list making... I think...and I liked your motto. if not glad I found the blog now, if so then Hi! glad I found your blog again. Nice list making.

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