I'm loving this beautiful outdoor space I spotted via Marie Claire Maison recently and I am subsequently on the hunt for similar striped sheets and or fabric (hopefully not too costly). Does anyone have a source here in Canada or N. America perhaps? If so please shoot me an email, thank you! (Photo credit Emmanuel Barbe).
very gorgeous - i have a stripe obsession!
This is just beautiful, love the stone table too!
Like Green Been, I love stripes as well. This would be a great place to sit and have an early morning coffee with the day's paper.
ooh i could definitely see myself on that day bed with a good book!!!
Oh, I like that!!
Sweet and summery! Alas, I'm in the USA, so no good leads for you. If I run into something via catalogs, however, I'll pop back over and let you know! Good luck! xx Suzanne
I bought a similar ticking stripe fabric from Pottery Barn some time ago. They used to sell yardage. I think they still carry cafe curtains like that. Worth a look.
O.K, It's there. NOt exactly the same, but similar. Here's the link.
Hope this helps.
wow. I can see me lying there, overlooking the valley with my magazines, laptop and flyswatter-although it is so beautiful there prob aren't any flies! Oh to have a romantic villa
I have a piece of fabric at home that looks a lot like the one on the first cushion, red and pink stripes, each stripe has approx.2cm width, very chic. I bought it from London ages ago, 1996-8.
I would suggest you try French General - they have nice french inspired fabrics that come in home decor weights. You can purchase fabrics from fatquartershop.com
I got a beautiful striped fabric from good old Fabricland.
I used it for an indoor kitchen window canopy! Turned out amazing with the stripes.
I love stripes too!!! Tim Burton, The White Stripes, carnivals, candy...it's becoming unhealthy, lol.
This striped paradise looks perfect for an afternoon siesta :)
I've bought striped outdoor fabric at my local fabric shop and I've bought striped outdoor cushions a few years ago at an Ikea. on sale too!
silk trading company sells that striped fabric for around $30/yd They have a variety of patterns and colors. 100% cotton and 50% cotton, 50% linen.
Good luck!
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