{DIY} Anthropologie Inspired Pendant Lamp

Oh the genius of a mother rocking her baby to sleep. Many of you know what I'm talking about; you're trying to get your little one to nap for the afternoon and while your rocking her sweet pretty head, you have nothing to occupy your mind with but say your imagination. You're dreaming of decorating your kitchen with that beautiful light from Anthropology you saw the other day; thoughts come to mind of how you could make one yourself. Suddenly you look down at that basket of toys on the floor and "poof" an awesome DIY is born!

This amazing Anthropologie-inspired pendant light how-to is from the genius mother and photographer Ashley Ann of Under the Sycamore. Ashley has posted a step-by-step tutorial on how she made it on her beautiful blog and while you're there, be sure to check out her other clever DIY projects. Now, I'm off to find a basket!

(Via ReadyMade blog).

Jan Halvarson

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Lori P said...

This is amazing! First, I've got to get that magazine. Second, I really want to make that light. Thanks for the post.

Kickcan & Conkers said...

Oh I love this, now I know what to do with all the old wire baskets I find at French fleas! Brilliant :)

Jan Halvarson said...

Kickcan and Conkers - oh to visit a french flea! you must send pics if you do it!

Anonymous said...

very cool! i especially love the globes in the background.

xo Alison

Will @ Bright.Bazaar said...

This is sooooo cool!

jill said...

I took Ashley's photography workshop and learned so much. She is so talented and I love seeing all of her projects!

Pinecone Camp said...

I love this idea.....the shadows it would cast would be beautiful!

Chloe said...

this is fantastic! i need a new light shade =P

thankyou for sharing! =D

becka said...

Fantastic! I love this so much. Adding it to the list of things to try once we move back home, sigh. Haha.

Kristin H said...

I am impressed:)