Hula Seventy: Best Idea Ever

Contributer post by Andrea of Hula Seventy

Every once in a while, an idea comes along that has me kicking myself-- an idea so fresh, so brilliant, I desperately wish it had been mine. The idea behind the book 'The Rest Is Up To You' is one such idea. Aye Jay Morano sent his third grade son Cohen's water color paintings out into the world to be altered and added to by an impressive collection of street artists, graffiti writers and children's illustrators. The result is an unforgettable sort of collaboration between an 8 year-old and the art world. It's a book I can't put down, a book that has me smiling from the first page to the last. Here are a few of my favorites:

Cohen with Barry McGee

In many instances, eight year-old Cohen offers his thoughts on the final pieces. He talks a little bit about his paintings and what he thinks about how the artist has altered his art work. For example, this is what he had to say about what artist Barry McGee did with his painting:

"People walk around. They always show different faces-- smiles with tongues sticking out. Pretty much faces like this one. But I never saw a person who looks like this before-- because of the eyes. No, I have never seen those eyes."


What Cohen says:

"He is dancing. That's all. He is dancing. And he is dancing because you just know he is. On the back it says Don't try this dance move. But I think this dance is called Scrambled Eggs. And you just have to do it. You put your hand in the fryer, then you cut it off, and then you have a delicious breakfast: roasted hand. Yeah. The Scrambled Eggs dance."

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure I love Cohen.

With Amanda Visell

With Tim Biskup

With Gary Baseman

What Cohen says:

"It's a worm coming out of the ground. Every worm comes out of the ground once in a while. I don't know why, though. Maybe to go poo? That makes good soil."

With KR

With Shepard Fairey

What Cohen says about the page on the right:

"Pretty Much I am wondering, Where did he get his clothes, this guy? I like them. The whole picture is very, very creative. The music note means this guy is into music. The lightning bolt means that when he performs, we are all shocked by how great he is. And the paint moving on and off his face means that he is a true artist."

With Mike 2600

And this one might be my favorite. Cohen's words:

"It's a person saying This is my guts. My painting sorta looks like guts, but I wasn't drawing guts. I was just putting colors and stuff together, and he thought it looked like guts. But that is cool because he kinda looked inside and saw my colors, and saw my guts. Art actually does come from our guts."

Well put, Cohen. My thoughts exactly.

'The Rest Is Up To You' is chock full of goodness.

Jan Halvarson


Rae said...

I love this idea. I think kids can come up with some pretty amazing art on their own, but its really cool to see how other artists interpret it and make it something completely new.

Pascale said...

A wonderful idea and a gorgeous book indeed!

Lisa Golightly said...

ok, got to get this book, brilliant!

Amy said...

This is absolutely wonderful!!!

Jessica Nichols said...

I am in love which renders me utterly speechless.

Unknown said...

Amazing insight from that kid.
Thanks for sharing the book with us all. I think I have to run out & get it now.

Lulu said...

aw this Cohen guy is so fun =] i think i like what he said about art coming from the guts the best, too.

Anonymous said...

what a gorgeous idea - and how cool for the kid to grow up and see all of that art that he inspired-triggered

CinnamonAndSass said...

LoL! That kid is hilarious, love it!

liz said...

*dying from cute!*
what a super idea -- i love it!

one sydney road said...

btw, I just had to say that that happens to me too! I'll come across a fantastic idea and it's like "why couldn't i have thought of that"!! this is so one of those ideas. I love cute is he??

Megan said...

This is seriously brilliant! Thanks for sharing!

Renee said...

this is incredible! what a great idea!

abby said...

wow thats awesome look at all the art work.. its a great collaboration!

Kate Carpenter said...

Oh my gosh, this is so great. I love his 'raw' takes on how the art impacts him.

Helena said...

When that kid grows up, he is going to be so grateful for his awesome dad. How cool.

Giovanna said...

This is adorable! Thanks for sharing :)
I love your blog!!

Lynn said...

these paintings are really good!

linziloop said...

Aww wow i might have to get myself a copy of that book, it's ace!

Amanda said...

I love this! Children have the best ideas that always come straight from the heart. And the gut. :) Pairing an artist with a child's painting is brilliant. Must have!

sfgirlbybay said...

freakin' brilliant. i love people who think this way. :)

Elizabeth Halt said...

that *is* brilliant! I love how it came full circle and Cohen shared his thoughts on the end results. said...

Wow! This if freakin' brilliant and amazing! I love that kid.. such sweet observations. Amazing idea.. thanks for sharing.

Alice Durose said...

What a brilliant opportunity for a child to have, and what a wonderful, original idea.

What a genius child! Brilliant observations about the final results, particularly the portraits.

Definitely left me smiling :)

Relyn Lawson said...

Oh, Hula. You find the greatest stuff.

Jennifer Young said...

so genius!