Porcelain Treats

Just in time for summer, our friends, KG & AB bring us some cool & yummy snacks that will last forever, never melt and are totally non fattening! Handmade from vintage molds, both the tops on the ice cream cone and the cupcake detaches and is a lid! Put your stuff in them!

Jan Halvarson


Singapore Short Stories said...

wow these snacks do indeed look YUMMY!

Sabine, La Marquise des anges said...

Those ceramics are so adorable !!! what a great idea to made lid of them ... thank you so much for sharing

Jen @ GreetQ.com said...

These are brilliant but I'm afraid they'd be too tempting to have around my home. I'd want to run to the loal soft serve place every time laid eyes on them! And we've got some great ice cream places here in Seattle :)

Michelle Kendrick Hartney said...

So cool! I love them!!