We're excited to offer 2 tickets, thanks to Got Craft, for the Handmade Nation (Vancouver Screening) that's going to be held here on Thursday, July 9th, 2009 at the Rio Theatre, 1660 East Broadway @ Commercial Drive. (Screening at 8:00pm, Craft Showcase at 7:00pm). The giveaway is open to anyone who wishes to participate (you don't have to live here or even be Canadian for that matter), you can win, drive here, fly here, and enjoy our beautiful city while you're at it! We'll run the contest here for two days (closing it Wednesday evening at 11:59pm). To enter, please leave a comment below telling us about a handmade crafter/artist/designer you really really love (with a link to their shop)! Good luck!
oh i can't wait to see this!! i have way too many favourite crafters/artists and such, but one that comes to mind right now as i've just been ogling her fabrics, is skinny laminx. i'm sure you all know how to find her, but here's a lnik ;) http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5008751
this is on my birthday! woooo! i also have many favorite artists, but if i had to mention just one it would be alyson fox! http://alysonfox.com/
I love the the hats at Boring Sidney's etsy shop. I own about seven of them! http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5007565
Is there really any crafter I don't love? If I had to pick, I guess it would just be people who make things that I can't make myself!
I can't wait for this either. It'll even be one of the few times I get a baby-sitter for the kids. I quite like Red Prairie Press for clothes these days. http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5397578
Oh! Excited! I love Poddlebreath, who is based in Vancouver: link!
Handmade Nation celebrates all of us craft lovers and makers!
An artist I admire is Lesley Levings and her shop, Beastlies. Beastlies are little clay monsters that are extremely expressive. She also does a Monday night stream of her making Beastlies! The only thing better than art is watching someone make art...
sorry, tried to get fancy on the link there, sadly blogger adds the blogspot address before all links, boo!
I so want to drive up to Vancouver for this. My most recent Etsy purchase was from the amazing Paula Deer Shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5817462 She makes really awesome hats. I bought a bike cap with an owl on it.
Made By Hank. She makes some really creative and and well-crafted bags. And her handiwork on a very basic sewing machine is amazing! www.madebyhank.net
I'm reading the Handmade Nation book & it's so inspiring to see all the talent! I've been a fan of Heidi Kenney (My Paper Crane) for awhile now...Her stuff just puts a smile on my face.
I can't wait to see this! Oh bring on the inspiration! There are definitely way too many crafters and artists that I am in love with. If I had to pick one of them at this very moment it would be Ann Wood, in all her trumpet-moss glory: http://www.annwoodhandmade.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2&products_id=86
i love locals cabin + cub! they make the sweetest things!
I believe all artists are wonderful in their own unique way. Art is in the eye of the beholder correct. However I do enjoy Electric Eccentricity Jewlery and their Twitter blog is EEJewellry
oh my dear goodness i'm dying to see this! i'm as broke as everyone else so fingers crossed i can win tickets.
i really love dotted loop, a local vancouver jewellery company that re-purposes vintage pieces. her one of a kind work is gorgeous. you can see her work at http://www.dottedloop.com/
caitlin 1e ::at:: hotmail . com
yay vancouver screening! i adore tryst jewelry out of toronto (http://trystbykerry.com/shop/). i have her "through my window-bluebird" locket, and i wear it literally every day!
Handmade Nation is screening in Vancouver on my birthday? What a wonderful present!
One of my fave crafty-artsy-designer is the delightful Miss Natalie, who makes clever and beautiful objects and toys. I bring my lunch every day in her forget me not lunch bag.
I couldn't choose just ONE designer/artist, so I'm going to have to say mostly everyone on etsy. They are so creative and inspirational!
oh yes please!
i'm just crazy about sycamore street press
I absolutely love Miss Katie Henry of madebyhank.
She makes the most beautiful handmade clutches and purses from vintage fabrics!
i have many favourites, but one person's work i am especially liking right now is jane koo. we graduated together this past May. she's here: http://www.janekoo.com/ and here: http://www.janekoo.com/journal/
I love Caroline Ballhorn's beardbags!
oooh, me me me!
I'm going to pick my major crafty inspiration Cosy.
What can I say except that I love erverything handmade. This is one of my favorite silver artists. Enjoy!
Bleeble&Ji make beautiful handmade eco-friendly journals. Amazing!
I love the Bullet Buddies that Rachel Pfeffer makes!
My fave is Anna's jewlery at apartment49 on Etsy http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5203236
Simply Fab!
I'd love to see this screening!
oooh I would love to come see the show!
the latest, greatest and local crafter i've discovered is Hudsonny http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6943486 She's also trained as a graphic designer, a new mom and has a wicked blog too hudsonny.blogspot.com
I've been wanting to see this!
I recently fell in love with Anna Marie Horner. I love not only her work, but the way she balances her art and family life so seemlessly.
ooooh, pick me, pick me!!
Ooops, forgot to add the local crafter I love...
little red caboose.
LOVE her matrioshka dolls!
Hey! I'd love to see this! My girlfriend makes these wonderful owls and she'd love it too.
If you're on Main St in Vancouver, Check out:
Devil May Wear
The shop is on Main St at 25th (Kingsway)
Owner Steph Ostler handmakes everything in the back of her shop/store! She's a very inspiring person and her clothes are excellent too.
oh I can't wait to see this movie..
One of my favourite people on etsy is Roadkill, who makes the most wonderful silver pieces. I'm saving up for the skull earrings.. and everything she makes is in Montreal! http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=14308
Can't wait to see you all!
Too many favourites, but I'll list a local gorgeous independent yarn dye - Indigo Moon. www.indigomoonyarns.com
I'd love tickets, please!
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