style files, canadian house & home

Thanks to Canadian House and Home (and specifically, Style Files Editor, Kimberley Brown) for mentioning us in their latest trends issue (January '09)! The Style Files section features four Canadain Design blogs the magazine lists as their favourites. We are truly honoured to be included and are mentioned along with Ottawa's Desire to Inspire, Montreal's Lake Jane, and Toronto's Arren Williams. In the article it lists our favourite shopping places, Canadian artisans along with our "Look for 2009".

Local photographer Janis Nicolay took the photo of my portrait and also took a few pictures around our home office. She sent us a few vignettes to show here. Janis' portfolio is really impressive and worth a look. Click here to see more!

The House and Home January Trends issue will be out in stands on the 15th of December.

Mention in Canadian House and Home

Note of interest: House and Home have just launched a french-language adaptation of their magazine called Maison & Demeure. Featuring home interiors in Quebec and across the country and inspiration through makeovers, renovations and more.

Jan Halvarson


Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

congratulations! your blog is so beautiful it definitely deserves the appearance! :)

Anonymous said...

well deserved! congrats!

katebingburt said...

so cool! good to see your lovely face and workspace!

arounna said...

big congrats Jan!! - thanks so much for the mention.

Unknown said...

congrats, congrats, congrats!

Jan Halvarson said...

thanks everyone!

helen said...


just wanted you to know that i'd been visiting your lovely, lovely blog and was thrilled when i received my H&H in the mail to see you featured! congrats!

across the strait!

lisa solomon said...

look at how cute you are!! :D

Anonymous said...

That's great, congratulations Jan. It is fun to see this picture of my Old School clipboard, too!