album cover art: lenka by james gulliver hancock


I came across this cd the other day, Lenka (an Australian - think voice like Lykke Li vein), and fell in love with the cover art. Illustrated by James Gulliver Hancock (also an Australian, living in L.A.), I'm loving the hand-lettering mixed in with doodles and watercolors, it's just such a great mix. Nicely designed website too. Lenka's "Winter Song" is the free download this week (until December 23rd) at iTunes.

Jan Halvarson


Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

this is gorgeous!

Crayonmonster said...

oooh, love it!! How'z the music on the CD? I'd buy it just for the art though, on second thought.

Miss | A said...

i am in love with the art too. wouldn't that be so great as a mural on a wall in your house?!!! love it!!!