August 08 What Did You Buy Today Zine

We really enjoyed Kate's special guest posts last week and now I see her latest zine is out. All her puchase drawings for August, you can view them all here and a fun fact is the cover pattern pays homage to the waffle squares in her waffle that she ate on August 31st! I'm thinking it would make some nice fabric. here to see. Only $4 for some beautiful drawings.

Jan Halvarson


ThePeachTree said...

What a great idea! Right there with you on the fabric though :)

Kylie Bowers said...

Fantastic idea!

Maitreya said...

Oooh, she should make fabrics from all her zine covers. Spoonflower, Kate!

katebingburt said...

thanks everyone!
I would LOVE to make fabric out of my patterns...anyone want to manufacture some for me? ha!