Blog: facebook.com/pages/Hammerpress/10992601230
Location: Kansas City, MO
Email: sales@hammerpress.net
National Stationery Show Booth No. #1762
NANTAKA JOY - (Mixed Co.) Booth 1448

Nantaka Joy
Website: www.nantakajoy.com
Location: Philidelphia, PA
ALLYMOON - (Mixed Co.) Booth 1448

Website: www.allymoon.com/
GOOD ON PAPER - (Mixed Co.) Booth 1448

Shop Name: Good on Paper
Website(s): goodonpaperdesign.com
Designer: Lisa Wong Jackson
Location: Berkeley, CA
Phone: 510.501.3337
Email: lisa@goodonpaperdesign.com
Good on Paper (party invites are a collaboration with Allymoon)
LAUREL DENISE - (Mixed Co.) Booth 1448

Laurel Denise
LINEA CARTA - (Mixed Co.) Booth 1448

Linea Carta
Location: Berkeley, California
MATEO ILASCO - (Mixed Co.) Booth 1448

Mateo Ilasco
Location: Berkeley, California
ANGELA LIGUORI (Carta, inc) - Booth 1934

Shop Name: Carta, inc. angelaliguori.etsy.com
Website: www.angelaliguori.com
Location: Boston
8MM IDEAS - Booth 1832

8mm ideas
Website: 8mmideas.com
Blog: alittlehouseintheclouds.blogspot.com
Designer: Molly Meng
Location: SF, CA
Email: molly@8mmideas.com
YEE-HAW - (not at NSS this year, instead they will be at the New York International Gift Fair in August they actually have a wholesale web store open to qualified retailers).

Shop Name: Yee-Haw Industrial Letterpress
Website(s): yeehawindustries.com, yeehaw.etsy.com
Designers: Julie Belcher, Kevin Bradley, Adam Ewing,
Location: historic downtown Knoxville, Tennessee
Phone: 865.522.1812
Fax: 865.524.8897
Email: julie@yeehawindustries.com
DELPHINE - Booth 3845

Website: www.delphinepress.com
Location: post office box 2802 rancho santa fe, ca 92067
email: info@delphinepress.com
HELLO LUCKY - Booth 1356 & 1358

Shop Name: Hello!Lucky
Website(s): hellolucky.com
Blog: hellolucky.com/wordpress
Designer: Sabrina Moyle
Location: San Francisco
Phone: 415-355-0008
Fax: 415-355-0009
Email: info@hellolucky.com
National Stationery Show Booth No. Booth #1356-1358
INK & PAPER - Booth 2280

Ink & Paper
Location: Richmond, Virginia
SWEETBEETS - Booth 2134

Website: www.sweetbeets.com
AMY SMYTH MADE IT - Booth 2057

Amy Smyth
Amy Smyth Made It
Website: www.amysmythmadeit.com
KATIE MUTH - (not at the NSS this year - in australia - however launched a mini-line to coincide with the show up on her website).

Shop Name: katie muth
Website(s): www.katiemuth.com
Designer: katie muth
Location: Normally Toronto, currently Sydney
Fax: 416.352.1254
Email: info@katiemuth.com
SUSY JACK - Booth 1564

Shop Name: SusyJack*
Website(s):susyjack.com, susyjack.etsy.com
Blog: susanconnordesign.typepad.com (heysusy)
Designer: Susan Connor
Location: NYC
Phone: 617 869 3755
Email: susyjack[at]yahoo[dot]com
National Stationery Show Booth No. 1564
PAPER RELICS - Booth 1769

Shop Name: Paper Relics
Poppytalk Handmade: Table 124
Website(s): paperrelics.com
Blog: paperrelics.com/journal
Designer: Hope Wallace
Location: Maryland
Email: hello[at]paperrelics[dot]com
National Stationery Show Booth No. 1769

Shop Name: Magnolia Moonlight
Poppytalk Handmade: Table 68
Website(s): MagnoliaMoonlight.com
Blog: http://MagnoliaMoonlightDesign.blogspot.com
Designer: Christina Flowers
Location: Charlottesville, Virginia
Email: info[at]magnoliamoonlight[dot]com
National Stationery Show Booth No. 1863
ECOJOT - Booth 4127

Shop Name: ecojot
Poppytalk Handmade Table: Table 48
Website(s): ecojot.com
Blog: designer blog: miragepaperco.typepad.com
Designer: carolyn gavin
Location: toronto, ontario, canada
Phone: 416.285.7991
Fax: 416.285.9262
Email: carolyngavin[at]rogers[dot]com
National Stationery Show Booth No. #4127
CECILY INK - Booth 1362

Shop Name: Cecily Ink
Poppytalk Handmade: Table 21
Website(s): cecilyink.com and cecilyink.etsy.com
Blog: cecilyink.blogspot.com
Designer: Alex Wijnen
Location: Portland Oregon
Phone: 503.970.8675
Fax: 503.282.1448
Email: alex[at]cecilyink[dot]com
National Stationery Show: Booth #1362

Shop Name: Albertine Press
Poppytalk Handmade: Table 7
Website(s): albertinepress.com ; albertinepress.etsy.com
Blog: albertinepress.blogspot.com
Designer: Shelley Barandes
Location: Somerville, MA
Phone: 617.666.7395
NSS Booth #1934
Wow, hammerpress are amazing - they never cease to amaze me - they are so unique and really stand out among the crowd of letterpressers!
Good job!
damn. that is some serious paper :)
Some great stuff here.
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