i dig your pod

i spotted this cat cocoon in canadian house and home {march issue} when they covered the home of vancouver designer, rosie daykin's home. it's a layered cardboard pod with holes bored into it and the outside is made for sharpening their claws on. available from plushpod.com. Photo by Kim Christie.

Jan Halvarson


Jessie Cacciola said...

so cute!

orange you lucky! said...

Very neat! However, for that price - that kitty better bring me coffee in the morning!

WendyB said...

That thing is cool!

lisa solomon said...

omg - so happy to see a well designed, non-ugly cat toy!!

Bungeegal said...

Yep, I'm with you Orange, better make toast and vacuum too. I thought it was cool too until I saw the price, pretty outrageous for cardboard! When it goes on sale for $50, maybe. I don't think the mfg cost could be that much!

Katie said...

I've been in love with this for years! I just don't understand why it cost so much! It could not be that expensive to produce and ya'll know cardboard is cheap!