more organizing

with more thoughts on organizing, bare with me a bit while i go a little crazy with a few more accessories i'm finding about. the above vintage carousel from pottery barn has me nostalgic for my father's old office, i can still smell the paper and bags of mail. and i can't resist this shadowbox chalkboard display from pbteen. see the other product info after the images.

mega style tile chalkboard, pbteen
string dispenser from velvet brown
recharge station, pottery barn
hall brackets & shelves from ikea

Jan Halvarson


Anonymous said...

love pottery barns 'vintage' range of office accessories - last time i was in there i wanted to get the whole lot, but my suitcase wouldn't allow it.

thanks for the post, i really need to get organizing this month but have been procrastinating as usual. your post may just spur me on!

Kerstin Klein said...

i could need all these organizing things too, but i´m not sure whteher they would help me. ;)

at least they would look pretty.

Courtney said...

dude i love that pottery barn thing.

Anonymous said...

I WANT that PB charging station -- my charging needs are out of control! Love this post. I hope it will inspire me to get ORGANIZED!