i made it just in time on saturday to the cul de sac sale and got to meet laura mckibbon, the woman behind these beautiful ceramics. having just moved in to her new studio which looked like a great space with great light and high ceilings, she had her pieces placed about and i think i was a bit overwhelmed and not thinking straight (so many gorgeous things to pick from and such little time). thinking back i wished i would've bought a whole set (what was i thinking). in fact all her seconds (minor flawed pieces) were going for like, $10 - $40. i quickly picked up a canoe plate (my favorite) in a stunning turquoise, went to pay, and she wouldn't take my money. gasp! thank you so much laura! it's now my favorite thing in my house (bottom photo). where to buy or contact laura herself, at laura@culdesacdesign.com.
studio mailing address:
240 – 975 vernon drive
vancouver, bc
V6A 3P2

Lucky you! I just saw these plates at Willow, in Chicago. They're even more gorgeous in person.
luv luv luv that canoe plate - we're in vancouver this weekend - would love to try and scoop one for a certain paddler's birthday coming up!
I have been a huge fan for a long time. I love the fish plate a lot. the black mixed with the glossy colors is terrific.
good for you jan, i love the canoe the best too. i didn't make it to the sale. next time!
jan, these are awesome and you have such a great eye.
i hope you are enjoying that plate as much as we are looking at the photo!
lucky lady!!!
oh this work is gorgeous, jan. Thank you so much for sharing! your new plate is lovely!
I was given a wonderful 'artichoke' ceramic dish as a gift and enjoy having it on our coffee table. It always draws comments from guests.
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