and they're off!

i finally finished my postcards for hulaseventy's summer postcard swap this weekend and dropped them into the mailbox last night. as i covered both sides with designs, i ended up having no room left to write on them, so had to include a note with them. my postcards represent summer showing weather charts (note the "H" - high pressure system), "21" for the first day of summer and the wood represents the logs we sit on at our beaches here on the west coast that roll off the logging barges and drift to shore. yay summer and thanks andrea for hosting this fabulous swap! i can hardly wait to see mine!

hulaseventy's summer postcard swap
hulaseventy summer postcard swap flickr group

(i took inspiration from amy stocklein's element print from the periodic table project)

Jan Halvarson


Queen Bee Amy said...

It looks fantastic! I love the addition of the wood texture. Great colors too!

-Amy (Stocklein) :)

Anonymous said...

Your cards are great! i love them.

Unknown said...

these are beautiful!!! i wish i was your swap partner!!! :)

Susan Schwake said...

love these! both the map ( i have this THING about maps) and the woodgrain. great looking cards!

Anonymous said...

i love these!! great work!

Anonymous said...

They look so beautiful Jan, I would love to see more of your art in the future.

nydampress said...

I agree, what a treat to see some of your art! These postcards are fantastic!

whensheepcannotsleep said...

Hi there! I also participated in HulaSeventy's Postcard swap, and found your blog from the flickr pool. Just wanted to say that you do amazing work! Keep it up!

Jan Halvarson said...

thanks everyone for your kind comments!

andrea said...

oh jan-- I love them. but then, I just knew that I would! can't wait to get one in the mail. I'm still (STILL) working on mine.. gah! almost finished, though.

also-- loving your new banner!

Anonymous said...

those are great!!
love your summer concept - even the envelopes are so fab!!