wonderland retreat

i received an email from renee garner who wanted to let me know about wonderlandretreat.etsy.com, a temporary etsy shop a few crafters set up 4 days ago. the purpose of wonderland retreat is to relieve some of the medical bills accrued when their friend alison gordon (one of the uber-talented brains behind bazaar bizarre and the sampler) needed unexpected surgery; you see, alison, like many artists, doesn't have health insurance. so far they've had over 160 donations of handmade items, and raised over $2000 for alison's medical bills!

they're posting new donations constantly, and right now they have some great art pieces for the home, funky jewelry, really an
incredible assortment of crafted goodies! they're hoping everyone will stop by and check it out!

details and updates regarding alison's hospitalization and recovery can be found at:

boygirlparty's livejournal
the sampler livejournal and here
westcoast crafty

Jan Halvarson

1 comment:

lisa solomon said...

such a good thing. i'm going to donate something too!