pinhole camera tutorials

i'm definitely addng this one to my tutorials links! photojojo has a "make-it-yourself" on pin-hole cameras today out of paper, altoid mint tins (my favorite) and spam cans (crazy tasty!). i've always wanted to do this, and those tins ones will definitely hold out in the april showers!

dirkon pinhole paper camera
minty cam

Jan Halvarson


Anonymous said...

Wow, that it totally awesome! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link. I think I'll have to try this.

lisa solomon said...

i heart pinholes....

Kristin Loganbill said...

wow thanks--have you ever seen that guy who made a pinhole camera out of almost everything in his kitchen and has photos from the perspective of the stove and the coffee pot for example-
- pinholes are great