finally after a little hiatus while they found a new editor, a new issue of blueprint magazine is finally out and with it a new blog called, bluelines. especially liked the font in that banner design and on a hunt for it's name. their article on change of art had me thinking of a new plan for all my zillions of pictures.
(via apartment therapy)
what a great idea for such a great magazine - thanks for the heads up!
yeah - that banner is pretty fantastic!
I wish we can get this mag here in the UK.
:) i miss reading my favorite magazines while being out of the country!
but now i can get a dose of blueprint , :) just saw this new blog the other day, so much fun! hope it gets updated frequently.
Yeah! I have been asking about a new Blueprint issue all over town and all I get are blank stares!
love all the different banner designs - thank´s for introducing!!
Here is the information on the fonts in Blueprint at http://www.flickr.com/photos/stewf/sets/72157594159206925/
Fontshop.com had a great article that pretty much sourced all of the fonts they used but MS had them remove it. But most, if not all of the fonts, are still available through Fontshop.com.
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