they love crafts

congratulations to anabel and friends on their new online magazine craft magazine with contributors such as babelfish of crustation, monica of mikimono and many more.

such a fun site design, you can tell a lot of work went into it and it was fun to click on each page to see what came next. heaps of tutorials and great illustrations. looking forward to reading more of it! a definite fave!

(update: although the current issue is in spanish, they will be translating to english!)

Jan Halvarson


Anonymous said...

Oh, sounds great - thanks for posting this. I'm on my way over.

Anabel said...

Oh! Jan, thanks for the mention:-). I´m glad you like it:-)

Unknown said...

I love the design and the photography! I'm just bummed that I can't translate any of it. It's time for me to learn Spanish (a few years of French and Latin aren't helping me yet).

Melkorka said...

So cute! wish I could read Spanish better (1 year in high school isn't doing me any good!) it is such an adorable idea :)

Anonymous said...

Anabel and Monica did such a great job of the website, it's a fantastic mag. I also want to mention the other contributors such as Maditi and Betz White too :)

LisaJay said...

Wow, what a great website! It is especially well-designed and fun to explore. So much good stuff! If I could only read Spanish. . .

Lisette Moraga said...

Thanks for this post I just luv it, design content so cool !!!!!!