free people

if i had a laptop, i know i would want one of these laptop covers from free people. in fact all the bags, totes and cozies from free people i want.

i'm especially liking this snowflake one and the embroidered ipod case.

Jan Halvarson


andrea said...

we have a mac laptop that I am in love with. and I always see people out and about with their laptops, working at the book store or the coffee shop. I kind of dream of being one of those people nad this is just the sort cover I imagine I would carry my beloved mac in. sadly, I never make it out with the computer.

though I guess a girl can dream.

Anonymous said...

I love anything free people puts out. my glich is fixed. thanks j.

christina said...

Oh nifty. I just saw a gorgeous jacket by Free People that I'd have nabbed if it weren't so expensive. I love all the things you find. Coming here is always full of ooh's and ahhs for me. :)