denyse schmidt and design public

don't you just love this tree, floor, blackboard and o.k. (everything) in denise schmidt's ct workshop? it's available for a lookie at the holiday home inspiration pool hosted by design public. a fun place to check out. also have to love/have this couch too!

design public is now carrying a few denyse schmidt quilts. i like the yellow rugby stripe one with the swirly swirl stitching.

Jan Halvarson


andrea said...

you know, i see this and it makes me want to shift the look of my house a little... makes me want to start decorating with some brighter colors and darker woods (as opposed to the aged turquoises and greens and blonde woods I have now)... and yes, I am so drawn to the photo with the aluminum tree against the blackbaord... something about that I am really loving.

Jan Halvarson said...

i know i want this couch and all it's colorful splendor!