For their October launch, IKEA designed a collection that creates a cozy atmosphere, with the intention of making people feel at home. VÄRMER coaxes people to share their personality in their home, and at the same time, connect to memories and traditions by cooking, eating, socializing and unwinding.

The collection lends to visiting Grandma's home with timeless and functional pieces for celebrating, giving a sense of belonging, offering a personal take on home for the season that is upon us. (Above. VÄRMER chair, $129 CAD).

Let's take a look!

VÄRMER cushions $6.99 / VÄRMER Board Game $99

VÄRMER basket $49.99 CAD
VÄRMER tray $29.99

VÄRMER jug $12.99

VÄRMER serving plat $24.99

VÄRMER cups $5.99/2 pack
VÄRMER chandelier $34.99

VÄRMER wall sconce $16.99

VÄRMER pouffe $99

VÄRMER bench $149

VÄRMER plant pot with saucer $34.99

All images ikea.ca

Jan Halvarson

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