Raspberry Coconut Ice Cream Popsicles

This past summer we got a little addicted to a certain type of popsicle. In a quest to eliminate the sugar-filled summer favourite, we started testing out a few different options. One of them was this coconut milk based ice cream-style popsicle. Meaning, we took our favourite Coconut Ice Cream recipe and liquified it a bit to create a popsicle version for freezing.  This raspberry one was the bomb. A creamy mix of healthy fat and good for you berries and now a staple all year round!  This recipe makes 6 popsicles.

Raspberry Coconut Ice Cream Popsicles

Coconut Ice Cream (base)
2 cups coconut milk or 1 can coconut milk and 1 cup coconut milk (carton)
2 - 4 Tbsps. maple syrup (or if you like it sweeter, add more to taste)
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)

Raspberry Syrup
1 cup frozen raspberries
2 Tbsp maple syrup

24 hours before you wish to make your ice cream. Place the ice cream freezer bowl in freezer. In a medium bowl, whisk to combine the coconut milk, maple syrup and vanilla.  Cover and refrigerate 1 to 2 hours, or overnight.

Turn on the ice cream maker first (very important), and then pour the coconut mixture into the frozen freezer bowl and let mix until thickened, about 15 to 20 minutes.

In the meantime, make the raspberry syrup.  In a small saucepan, add both the raspberries and maple syrup.  Bring to a boil, while stirring and simmer for about 4 minutes, until it starts to thicken.  Remove from heat and pour mixture through a sieve, pressing out all the juices from the raspberries.  Set aside to cool.

Once the ice cream is nearly finished. Pour in the raspberry syrup. The ice cream will have a soft, creamy texture. Pour into 6 individual popsicle molds. Freeze for at least 6 hours before serving.

Jan Halvarson

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