Pies by Tarte Populaire

This pie. Seriously the most amazing recipe you'll ever get your hands on - or if you don't bake - she takes orders and will make it for you - Salted Honey Lavender Pie by the talented Tina Lau of Tarte Populaire or on IG @tartepop . The recipe is in our summer 10 year anniversary publication on issuu that we just published this week (click HERE)! You can visit Tarte Populaire online at facebook.com/Tartepopulaire.

Jan Halvarson


Lady Grey said...

Holy smokes that looks good!

Jan Halvarson said...

Lady Grey - Vanessa - it is - I kept sneaking a piece and pretty soon it was all gone!

Bella B said...

It looks so goooood!

xoxoBella | http://xoxobella.com

Ellen Rozalia said...

Ah drool! That looks divine and I bet it also tastes it too... xx

Ellen Rozalia | www.ellenrozalia.com