Sunday Reading | Yvestown in the Kitchen + Victorian Sponge Cake

We've been following blogger Yvonne Eijkenduijn (Yvestown) for many many years, always mezmerized by her quaint old gentlemen's house (circa 1896) and her life in Lommel, Belgium. She is currently redecorating the house but before that had time to write a book about food and living in the kitchen.  Yvestown in the Kitchen, is more than just a recipe book, it's an invitation to explore the universal bonds that tie us together as we gather in and around the kitchen table with friends and family to feast!

After a complete tour of Yvonne's kitchen and discovering what's in her pantry, she continues the tour through the kitchens of several families and friends. The book makes you want to step right into her and her friend's kitchens and dive into their recipes—starting perhaps with Yvonne's Surinamese Chicken Pies, followed by an elegant Victorian Sponge Cake with a strawberry jam filling. Yum! (Above photo and check out the recipe below):

Woven in between the 45 global recipes, are beautiful photographs celebrating kitchens and the people that call them home. Yvestown in the Kitchen is the kinf of book that is made to use time and time again—not only as a cookbook, but also as inspiration of creativity. A few more pictures from the book:

Yvestown in the Kitchen is available through Amazon and other fine book stores. Click here from more info, and be sure to check out Yvestown's blog, a true source of inspiration.  We also follow her on instagram at @yvestown.

Jan Halvarson

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