It's Summer Colours Week! Monday Pink + Red

It's Monday and the first day of our #poppytalksummercolours week! Join us on instagram and post Monday's colour (pink or red) to #poppytalksummercolours to participate! This is our 6th Annual Poppytalk Summer Colours Week and if you haven't joined before, it's where each day we have a planned colour theme, and everyone posts to the hashtag #PoppytalkSummerColours on Instagram —there's a few rules listed below. Like last year we'll be posting a few of our faves from the feed @poppytalk alongside our blog. This year we're going for a rainbow effect which should look pretty beautiful in the feed. Here's the colour line-up:

July 6/15 - Monday - Reds + Pinks
July 7/15 - Tuesday - Orange + Yellows
July 8/15 - Wednesday - Greens + Turquoise
July 9/15 - Thursday - Blues
July 10/15 - Friday - Purples

Important - please note: Be sure to wait till 6pm Pacific time the night prior to start posting the next day's colour! (And please no product pictures). Come join us, it'll be fun!!

Jan Halvarson

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