Tuesday is Red!

Today's colour is red, and these apples by @hurdandhoney look so delicious!  If you haven't been following, it's fall colours week where each day participants upload the colour of the day (with a fall theme) to the #poppytalkfallcolours hashtag on instagram.  It's just a fun excercise in creating something together as a whole.  The feed looks amazing, and it's always fun to see what people come up with! Join in!  One of the days, or all of them! 

Upload the colour of the day (schedule below) to instagram using the hashtag #poppytalkfallcolours. We'll be posting a few of our faves from the feed on our instagram ( @poppytalk ) alongside our blog. Here's the colour line-up! 

Sep. 29/14 - Monday - Golden 
Sep. 30/14 - Tuesday - Red 
Oct. 01/14 - Wednesday - Brown 
Oct. 02/14 - Thursday - Grey 
Oct. 03/14 - Friday -Blue

 Please note: Be sure to wait till 6pm Pacific time the night prior to start posting the next day's colour! (And please no product pictures). Come join us, it'll be fun!!

Jan Halvarson


Tonya said...

I like this! I was thinking of doing something similar. I might have to join in on this!!
Pretty apples!

Emily said...

What a fun idea! I am going to join in.