Summary | Monday's Fall Colours

 A few "golden" highlights from today's #poppytalkfallcolours week on instagram!

Row 1: @hellolidy, @hellolidy, @hellolidy
Row 2: @girlsavage, @larksnest, @sarah_elizabth
Row 3: @bigg_tara, @juniperdisco @marionyamok



See you tomorrow for reds!

Jan Halvarson


Anonymous said...

I love love love fall, there is just some so beautiful about it and it fills me with joy! I especially like these fall pictures :)

Pinecone Camp said...

Well, I missed day one...hope to be able to take part this week. Your colour series are always fun! I love seeing what everyone posts.

Boo21's Mom said...

(this is the third time i've tried to leave a comment; if the other two suddenly show up, i'm sorry!) i look forward to your color week every time the season changes. it's even more fun when you choose one of my photos!