Dispatch from France | Merci's MATOS (Kitchenware vs. Hardware)

During Paris Design Week, Paris concept store, merci, opened the season with a large exhibit, MATOS —the right stuff. A new look at our relationship with the right equipment. A battle between KITCHENWARE and HARDWARE.   MATOS, a slang means a collection of tools or equipment.  For 3 weeks (through to September 20th, 2014) , merci turns into a huge studio, with over 100 products and innovative ideas. For example, the blender responds to a drill , the casserole, a nod to the toolbox, etc.  Let's take a look!

111 Boulevard Beaumarchais - 75003 paris

Jan Halvarson

1 comment:

ynas-design said...

There I would like to now. I would be in heaven .. so great