With fall soon approaching, a few fresh indoor plant ideas and DIYs for decorating. Check them out below:
1. Ferns in Hanging Terrariums
by Moiiwatplantendoen via Vosges Paris
2. Leather Strap Planter
by Wood and Faulk
3. Modern Openwork Cube Planter
by Vintage Revivals
4. Tomato Cage Plant Holder
A cool way to display a plant. From 4men1lady.com
5. DIY Cork Tillandsia
Make your own vertical indoor garden with this DIY Cork Tillandsia Kit from Flora Grubb Gardens.
6. Sake Succulent Garden
Create an instant succulent garden using cute sake glasses. Use your own or get a kit (like this one) from Flora Grubb Gardens.
7. Mount a Staghorn Fern
How-to by The Fresh Exchange
8. Plant in Tins
Nothing new, but still ever so popular (especially with succulents in them). Collect old tins. Image from The Lark via Apartment Therapy.
9. Cactus in a Can
A great gift idea. These ones you can buy from The Neon Cactus.
10. Painted Rocks Cacti DIY
A fun project for kids. Get the how to from Craftberry Bush.
Entre todas estas ideas ¿cual elegir? Me encantan las que usan recipientes reciclados!!! ♥♥♥
Entre todas estas ideas ¿cual elegir? Me encantan las que usan recipientes reciclados!!! ♥♥♥
the painted cactuses! I am all over that, I can keep tropical plants alive but not cactuses. (go figure)
Those are absolutely adorable ideas!
Thank you for the compilation as well as for sharing.
Thanks so much for this great list of ideas! I particularly liked the Hanging Terrariums and Plant in Tins! They get my imagination fired up for some DIY planting! Cheers!
I love the ones created by The Neon Cactus... I'll definitely give it a try !
The mounted staghorn fern is so cool!!
I like that farn terrarium. I'll try at home.
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