Round-Up | Summer Colours Week – Aqua

The #poppytalksummercolours feed is hitting it out of the ballpark today!  So much amazing blue green turquoise aqua goodness! A few gems:

Row 1  @poppytalk, @resurrection fern, @resurrection fern
Row 2  @dramaqueenatwork, @heatherlm, @sarah_elizabth
Row 3  @schaeresteipapier, @stilzitat, @helloshannondavid




Here's the rest of this week's colour line-up! 

Aug. 13/14 - Wednesday - Golden (yellowy, golden hues - like sunflowers) 
Aug. 14/14 - Thursday - Pinks 
Aug. 15/14 - Friday - Blues - (like the sky) 

Please note: Be sure to wait till 6pm Pacific time the night prior to start posting the next day's colour to ensure a beautiful feed (and please no product pictures). Come join us, it'll be fun!cptibbs, aprildcross, cathy_vandenberg and 241 others like this.  Tomorrow the colour is golden!

Jan Halvarson

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